Rashmi would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://dndb.in ] IndiRank: 28

Please review my lifestyle blog.

from New Delhi
10 years ago

Relationships, travel and lifestyle is what I write about. Some exciting stories in the How we met section and my own travel diaries. Please take a few secs of your busy time and review my blog. All the help appreciated.  

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Partha Sadhukhan
Partha Sadhukhan
from Bangalore
10 years ago


I reviewed your blog dndb.in.

1. Blog name - Not sure why it has to be "Date and Dumb" looks negative to me. Normally travel and lifestyle blogs needs to be exciting.

2. Lifestyle component missing - Even though I found some travel and relationship component but the lifestyle component is missing big time. You may have to fill that gap soon.

3. Design - Well, for a lifestyle blog the design is little drab. You will need more exciting colours and photos.

4. Frequency of posts - I found your frequency of posts is very good off late. Does that mean your blog is new?

Since your number of posts is less, I do not have much comments. Wish you all the best a blogger.

Do drop in to my blog and give me your valuable comments - parthasadhukhan.wordpress.com