Pls review my blog. Thanks in advance.
My blog is a mixure of technoloty, personal, poetry, movies, games, social causes and a few more too. Pls suggest as to where all can i improve them
Gayatri Venkataraman
good blog. Within short period you have developed your blog greatly.
Hi Gayatri
I enjoyed reading your blog, especially the post about mom. I do have a few suggestions and hope you'll find them helpful. First off, I'd request you to please also write translations in English of the sentences you write in Tamil(?) (Please forgive me and my ignorance if I've got it wrong). You see, I love reading the sentences you write, but unfortunately, due to my limited knowledge, I don't understand them. I am sure there would be plenty people like me. Translating sentences in English would make it easier for your readers' and get them more involved. Again, I request you to not just write in English, but translate. That way, your readers' also have a (feeble, but still there) hope of learning more. Your posts are straight from the heart which are spellbinding. Do try to use a simpler theme which is easier on the eye. Your moving header on the home page is a little distracting and the color scheme, while attractive, is tough on the eye to read. One last suggestion, if I may, you write so well - please post more often!
Thanks Preethi and Pallavi. I woulld try to post frequently and set up the page ap per your suggessions. And will try posting in english too. Thanks for your valuable feedback