Pawan Awasthi would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 34

hey guys.. I am looking for the feedback of my Microsoft Technologies(.Net) blog

Pawan Awasthi
Pawan Awasthi
from Kuala Lumpur
10 years ago

Hello guys,

I am looking for the feedback of my blog which is related to the Microsoft Technologies.

Please do the review and let me know how I cna improve it in better way.




Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Gautam Sehgal
Gautam Sehgal
from Dehradun
10 years ago

Hello Pawan, please check the following things. According to Priority.

1 - You must Switch to Self Hosted Wordpress as your content is suitable for UK, US and other countries Globally. (Wordpress is more SEO friendly and google crawls it much faster then Blogger)

2 - If you don't want to switch to wordpress, consider changing your Blogger Template. make sure its a clean Design.

3 - Do not target on Adsense. (Place Ads properly)

4 - Target on Quality Content Instead. You'll start earning automatically.

5 - Make Sure you write a Search engine optimized article.

If you need any sort of assistance, you may feel free to ask. I would assist as much as i could.