IndiStuff contest -

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
10 years ago

Vouchers, vouchers, more vouchers, and IndiPattani vouchers!

As always, let us know if you have any questions! Smile

CLARIFICATION: You can post any road trip/car experience on - it could even be an earlier post of yours. The point is simply to try out Carconnect. Once you've done that, blog about your experience with their website, and submit the post to IndiBlogger!

Replies 41 to 60 of 127 Descending
BS Pabla
BS Pabla
from Bhilai
10 years ago

blog ki post ka link  indibloggers ke carconnect contest main register kare.


अरे! एक बार तो रजिस्टर कर लिया अपने आप को !! अब दोबारा लिंक को रजिस्टर? कहाँ? क्या आप लिंक को उस टेक्स्ट एरिया में डालने को कह रहे जहां 5000 शब्दों की सीमा निश्चित है?

Please write about your experience in using the website ( on your blog. Now copy the link of this particular blog post and submit it at "Final Step! Submit Your Entry" in this page

BS Pabla
from Bhilai
10 years ago

copy the link of particular blog post and submit it at "Final Step! Submit Your Entry" ये हुई ना बात!

BS Pabla
from Bhilai
10 years ago

मैं दनादन पोस्ट्स लिखे जा रहा हूँ, सबमिट भी कर रहा लेकिन मॉडरेशन में एक ही पोस्ट दिख रही Innocent

BS Pabla
from Bhilai
10 years ago

मुझे लगता है कार कनेक्ट को हिदी पोस्ट्स से परहेज है है कोई ज़वाब देने वाला इस बात का?

Bhavana Lalwani
Bhavana Lalwani
from Jodhpur
10 years ago

carconnect website is down or some techincal issue coz I tried login multiple times but failed.. maybe too much traffic on  server .. is anyone else facing the same problem??

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Try using an incognito browser. Innocent

Anunoy Samanta
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
10 years ago

Lol... I always felt they started the contest too early... they should have designed their website properly before asking for members' experiences [Sigh]

Sammya Brata
Sammya Brata
from Kolkata
10 years ago

That unwanted request again- Extend please Tongue out

Bushra M
Bushra M
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Too many contests to keep up with. Extend please... 

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
10 years ago

Contest extended to Friday! (4th of July)

Bushra M
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Thank you Renie! Smile

Sammya Brata
from Kolkata
10 years ago

Gosh. Thank you Cool

from Bangalore
10 years ago

Thanks Renie

Thank You

Bhavana Lalwani
Bhavana Lalwani
from Jodhpur
10 years ago

wowww Thanksss I too wanted tht.. Smile I have decided to write one entry in hindi too  Smile

BS Pabla
BS Pabla
from Bhilai
10 years ago

Car Connet वालों ने मेरी हिंदी में लिखी पोस्ट रिजेक्ट कर दी. कोई ई-मेल तक नहीं भेजी ना ही कारण बताया. रिक्वेस्ट है इंडीब्लॉगर से कि अगली बार जो भो कॉन्टेस्ट हो उसमें साफ साफ लिख दिया जाए कि किस भाषा वाली पोस्ट्स आनी चाहिए. Indiblogger से ऎसी उम्मीद ना थी :(

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
10 years ago

Sir, what you post in car-connect doesn't matter at all... all they want is a backlink from your blog to get the start they're looking for... you just review them.... and being an Indian you must know how to review so as to bag prizes [wink]

Bhavana Lalwani
Bhavana Lalwani
from Jodhpur
10 years ago

I too have written one of my blog post in hindi ( contest entry on blog, carconnect entry is in english) .. Renie please clear the air .. is it ok to write a contest entry in Hindi or it will considered invalid ???  coz i was thinking to write one hindi post for Borosil contest as well as. Innocent

from hyderabad
10 years ago

If there is no rule mentioned on the contest page about the language, then you can write your post in any language ( Hindi, Telugu or French :p ) for that contest.

Bhavana Lalwani
from Jodhpur
10 years ago

Ranjipedia ..  confusion still persistUndecided 

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Bhavana In simple words - You can write in Hindi Laughing

Bhavana Lalwani
from Jodhpur
10 years ago

Ranjith .. I submitted my entry yesterday (in Hindi) .. see I am an early birdy Cool I dnt wait for  the last day Tongue out

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Good Tongue out

Anmol Rawat
Anmol Rawat
from New Delhi
10 years ago

Thanks for extending :)

from Mumbai
10 years ago

Today's the last day for submission, has everyone finished writing their experiences?? Am still working on mine but am pretty excited for this one!

The contest will end at 12 in the night, right?

Anant Aggarwal
from Faridabad
10 years ago
Yes, it seems so since last date to submit your entry is mentioned as 4th July 2014. However I would advise you to submit a little before 12 in the night to avoid last minute Internet and power failures. I am not writing for this one as I mostly write for technology-based contests.
from Bangalore
10 years ago

today its ending...any chance of extention?? I have'nt started writting!!!!

Anant Aggarwal
from Faridabad
10 years ago
Looking for double extension? You still have one full day to submit your entry.
BS Pabla
BS Pabla
from Bhilai
10 years ago

मैंने पांच पोस्ट लिखी थी इसके लिए हिंदी में . एक रिजेक्ट हो गई और बाक़ी हैं लापता Frown अब तो तो इस कॉन्टेस्ट से किनारा कर लिया है

from New Delhi
10 years ago

With multiple contests going on didn't got the time for this. Innocent

Extend for a day if possible. Frown

Ekta Khetan
Ekta Khetan
from Mumbai
10 years ago

I did not understood this contest? What is car connect experience?

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Surprised too late Tongue out

Rachh Agarwal
Rachh Agarwal
from Ahmedabad
10 years ago

Extension for a day please Frown

Ragini Puri
Ragini Puri
from New Delhi/Ludhiana
10 years ago

Renie, please extend for a day. Or two. Foot in mouth Embarassed

from Bangalore
10 years ago

I am sitting and writitng for almost 2 hrs now and Its not looking good...One Day extention please KissTongue out

Bushra M
Bushra M
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Tough one to crack! 

from New Delhi
10 years ago

A day's extention please Innocent

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