Swetha Dhaara would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://ladiesbulletin.wordpress.com ] IndiRank: 36

Interested to know feedback on my blog

Swetha Dhaara
Swetha Dhaara
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

Beauty tips, health tips, my travel experiences, career tips and others.

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Partha Sadhukhan
Partha Sadhukhan
from Bangalore
10 years ago

I reviewed your blog - http://ladiesbulletin.com/ and have following comments -

1. Blog URL / name- Very good looks apt for the content. 

2. Design - Nice but since it is related to women if you choose a pink shade as the main theme it will be more apt. Well Don't think I being sexist here.. Smile

3. Focus - Your blog is focussed on you. There are at least three menu items that talks about you but a reader normally seeks "what is there in it for me" so if I were a woman I would have been more interested in generic women centric issues, like motherhood, career or other things. 

4. Images - Images are nice but I felt not presented properly. 

5. Content - Your articles are more like your opinion without giving out a reason for the same. For example, I read the post "Kick start your morning"- you have given many suggestions but you have not researched well enough to conclude why you said that. when you say get up before the sun rises, you have never given the scientific / biologial reason for this. It may need some research time for you but a reader will thin kof it as your personal opinion and no one is interested in others' personal opinion.

6. Text color - You have slightly ash color as body text, which almost mixes with the background. Hard to read. May need to increase contrast

7. FOnt size - Can they be little bigger. Stressful to the eyes currently

Overall, I liked your blog and there are many posts that are apt for men as well. e.g. "Boost your brain power" was nice, informative and you have given points with reason. only the few cosmetic changes will make it awesome.

btw..I too maintain a blog on Human Rights..to be precise it is NOT about women rights. See this and comment on any article you feel like. Comments on the entire blog is also welcome - parthasadhukhan.wordpress.com