Rahul Suresh would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://www.mintbeatz.com ]

Mint Beatz Review -Beatz the Technology

Rahul Suresh
Rahul Suresh
from calicut
10 years ago

Hi all..

This Is Rahul Suresh (indian blogger)

I would like to review my latest trending web http://www.mintbeatz.com

Review include both advvantage and disadvantage here..

make use of forum also..at mintbeatz

Replies 1 to 3 of 3
Sagar Upadhyay
Sagar Upadhyay
from Gorakhpur
10 years ago

Hi rahul,

I went through your blog and found it pretty cool. It looks professional and is really very nice.

However, the flaw that i noticed is that some of the scentences that you write can confuse the reader. You should try to simplify and streamline that. I will give you examples.

(1)"Are you labor your workers? area unit your employees sad and as a result, area unit productivity stages meant to be slipping?However  If your business is growing quick and uncontrollably, naturally an out-sized proportion of that burden – or interplanetary burden – can have to be compelled to be borne by your workers."

(2)"When cash going out of your business is quite what’s returning in, you recognize you’re in bother (or headed towards it at full speed)! For a business, cash-flow issues will stem from fast enlargement as a result of a growing business interprets to growing business prices."

I hope you are getting my point.


All the best :)

Rahul Suresh
from calicut
10 years ago

Thanks Sagar for your kind review and informngmy mistakes... :) 

from ahmedabad
10 years ago

Change color scheme of blog to complimentary colors. They strike the eye. Otherwise template is nice. I dont know why the favicon of site is a panda, why of all things a panda. They dont even look cute when they get old

Rahul Suresh
Rahul Suresh
from calicut
10 years ago

Favicon panda... itz my favorite ... that's y kept it as favicon.. i didnt get you : what you meant by complimentary colors over my blog.. can u just explore little deeper...