P B GRAHAM REANG would like you to review his/her blog.
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I believe in Quality, do you? Review my quality blog

from Agartala
10 years ago

Hi I am Paul billygraham Reang, I am blogging since 2013 July. I have a new blog on blogging niche. I did all the hard work to put my blog up, I am a faith in my blog that I am teaching people some good things. 

Please review my blog and let me know what you think about this blog

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Partha Sadhukhan
Partha Sadhukhan
from Bangalore
10 years ago

I have reviewed your blog - https://chrometechny.com/ and have following comments -

1., Blog name / URL - Not sure how the name is related to quality. It sounds more like a tech blog rather than a quality blog as mentioned in this topic.

2. Designs - Very nice

3. Font - Looks good

4. Category of articles - Even if your blog is in technology space, do you have any category of each article. If yes, I could not find any. May be you can introduce a mechanism to select articles from a specific category.

5. Business - I felt you are also trying to make money through your blog. Good initiative specially when you have a skill always it is better to be paid for it. I felt if you can also include success stories and customer referrals that would be great. You know just a suggestion from business perspective.

6. Hire me section - font size is very big here. You may want to reduce the same.

7. Unrelated articles in review section - In your review section the first article talk about some website giving away free coupons. This is more of a promo rather than review. If you have unrelated articles in a section you are likely to lose reader's attention.

8. Excitement - Overall I felt the excitement factor missing from your blog. Tech blogs are normally exciting. May be you can include some product reviews as well..

All the best.

Also feel free to review my Human rights blog - parthasadhukhan.wordpress.com
