looking for feedback for my blog
Hello all
Everything you wanted to know about pigeonheads and were too afraid to ask. My blog will answer all your questions
I am a blogger, baker, and chocolate maker
I write How tos. on relationships and emotions, travel, Feminist opinions, and occassionally dabble in fiction and poetry. I sometimes attempt to be funny.
I would love it if you drop by and tell me what you think of my blog. Negetive, postive, anything! ( Just don't be too critical, okay. The blog is my baby and I am a protective mother )
Cheers, and thanks in advance!
aka Pigeonheadophobia
Hi anjee,
I read your blog and you do have very interesting and novel viewpoints. So you definitely have an audience. And people will appreciate that you write from heart.
However reaching the line to your heart at some times becomes difficult. Although a few gramatical mistakes are pardonable, errors should not interfere with the message that you are trying to convey. Also while presenting facts, be sure that you handle them with care rather then address them with generics such "as tons of fairness creams", as such sweeping statements loose credibility and at same time hamper credibility of the message that you are trying to convey.
Hope this helps!
Grace and peace,
Sneh chandel