IndiBlogger Color Themes
Folks, would you mind answering a question for me? Of the four IB themes - IndiBlue, IndiRed, IndiSilver and IndiClear, which one do you use?
Have you ever used any of the themes aside from the default IndiBlue?
Indiclear hands down
I use red at times! I keep changing it from time to time.
I tried red sometime ago but came back to blue. It appeals to me more, red makes it look dark or something
I see blue
Now its silver. Because I selected silver.
Sorry I meant Indiclear not Indisilver ,Indiclear is quite good .
Tried IndiRed and now steady with IndiBlue .Some cool is needed with all the HH heat .Though IndiSilver is a great theme too because the red font has a better visibility .
blue.. anytime..
I was thinking of creating a thread on this and wondered why no one ever asked :O Anyways, Did that 'something bigger' come up alive Renie? :D
I use Blue, used red for sometime then came back to Blue!:)
Have always used Blue
Black... The menus, the footer and the words are more visible on black!
IndiRed.. hands down :)
I use the black one :)
No other theme compares to it.
uhm, yes indisilver :P
I've used all colours, and finally fixed Blue!
Never played around with themes... I just use the default one.
the only problem I had with the team is, whenever I change it (and yes I like the red one) it sticks to one computer. then when I go to another, it goes back to default. The team color should be an option to be set in the profile, no?
Some people use different themes on different devices. See previous page.
@Ranjith @Gaurb it will remain until you clear your cookies and cache. The theme is set in the cookie. My point was, it should be part of the profile - every time I log in to IndiB, irrespective of which device, the selected theme should show up. This is easier to do by adding an option under profile where I can select a fixed theme that I should see IndiBlogger dressed up in.
IndiBlue....never changed it
Are we looking at the ability for the users to customize theme as per their preference?
Tried red and black for a while, then settled with the IndiDefault :D
If the suggestions are taken for some change then I would suggest that if possible make the Indiblue a shade or two lighter.
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