How about a trip to the LOC with the Indian army...Indiblogger too

Shwetabh Mathur
Shwetabh Mathur
from Faridabad
11 years ago

How about a trip to the forward areas of the Line of Control, the trip under the IndiBlogger banner sponsored by a corporate and the Indian Army ??Sounds exciting ? A Major who had come to the DID meet had told Indiblogger that he can get an approval of a trip of 40-50 bloggers to come to a forward post near the LOC and see the life of an Indian Soldier.All that we would need to do -1. Finalise a plan and sent it to the Indian army through Indiblogger if Indi agrees to this.2. Considering the Indian Army is Involved the defence corporates can easily fund this trip ( I dont know ...will have to see)3. The Army can take care of food, accomodation after Srinagar (thats what was told to me).4. Push this Idea to Indiblogger core team to make it happen.If this idea becomes reality, I would be the first one to pack my bag on this journey. Who`ll want to tag along??

Renie please finalise this one.. I know that the core Indi team has already got the initial approval... please...please..please

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Sriram R
Sriram R
from Mumbai
10 years ago

This sounds interesting :). If nothing works, can groups of civilians go at their own expense with the permissions in place.

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