My students have taken over the class blog and turned it pink!
Ahead of Women's Day the girls have taken over the blog and turned it pink.
I don't want to post the link here and get deleted so maybe I will just ask them to join IndiBlogger.
We are also experimenting with mobile blogging so anybody with any ideas-welcome
Thanks Vineet.
I am copy pasting your comment and posting it on their site.
Oh dear! If you're posting it to them; don't forget a Happy Women's Day wish to you and each and every student from the entire IndiBlogger team! :)
Please IndiMail me the link to their blog. Am dying to have a look!
Thank you Karthik.
Orecisely what I wanted to hear.
Will ask them to join IndiBlog tommorow and post on vine n forum.
Guess I am saying Be Gentle Dear World
Hi Vinita, this is definitely great to hear. We can certainly help your friends with that. Thats exactly what this forum is for.
Who are they?
My students from first year IT at a state owned government college.
1. I started a blog, learnt the rudiments, joined IndiBlog, harassed everyone with questions.
2. Based on what I learnt encouraged my students to start a class blog
3. The girls were a little left out but now as part of Women's day celebrations they are blogging for a week.
Simultaneously there is a mobile research company in Shanghai that has developed an app for us for survey.
All of you are long time bloggers and IT specialists so none of this will seem like rocket science.
But these are brave new steps for the rest of us
ask them to join indiblogger and promote their posts in indivine...else how will anyone know who or what they're blogging about
Wow! Feels amazing to read about this blog by your students. So many students coming together to write content together; only good things can happen and not just to their scores in class :) I appreciate you answering each query so patiently; and its great that you've spent so much time on IndiBlogger forums too. What I would suggest is that you create a seperate account for your class so they can use IndiBlogger to promote content; and themselves. Maybe even suggest a few new topics for IndiSpire.
Kudos to your class. Keep Blogging, and keep teaching! And Happy Teachers Day, many months in advance...
Well they are young first time bloggers. So a review and
suggestions would be nice.
Also they are IT first year students and many of you have been there
so maybe guidance on ways they can work on the blog and through the blog
to chart out their future careers, buld portfolios, build online visibility.
Any expert gamers out there-then how they can gamify some aspects of the blog.
Mainly encouragement, support and appreciation of efforts
Please give more details on what responses and help are you expecting from the community.
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