Launch of IndiSpire

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
10 years ago

Thank you all for participating in our earlier thread where we asked for random topics; now you can see why! 

Check out IndiSpire, and let us know what you think! Smile

Replies 61 to 80 of 120 Descending
Bhavana Lalwani
Bhavana Lalwani
from Jodhpur
10 years ago

I am still confuse.. what is the deadline to post the entry ..thursday comes in the middle of the week (full on work pressure) sunday could have  a better choice for starting new edition..Innocent

from Bhubaneswar
10 years ago

Is there some problem with the IndiSpire page? Can see only NSV's pic on the top LHS corner, but nothing on page as the page is blank... Frown

Guessed it's NSV's idea for this week! Cool

I am able to open all other pages of IB...

from hyderabad
10 years ago

On my computer, the page isn't blank Innocent

You check after 14 hours of issue being reported and you still think it will remain open? Tongue out

from hyderabad
10 years ago

yes Cool

Bhavana Lalwani
Bhavana Lalwani
from Jodhpur
10 years ago

I added the Topic URL in the post after submitting my post on indispire .. I hope its ok. 

from New Delhi
10 years ago

I don't think it's mandatory Smile

from hyderabad
10 years ago

This is not a contest. So, you can edit it as many times as you want.

And as Gaurab said, the URL is not mandatory. 



Bhavana Lalwani
from Jodhpur
10 years ago

ohh thnksss both encyclopedias SmileSmile I really forgot tht I am not writing/submitting for a contest Undecided ...the URL is not mandatory bt I guess it can help the reader to understand the theme/topic ..

from hyderabad
10 years ago


I have an idea for indispire topic. When the top voted topic is finalized on thursday, runners up topic should or could be carried over for next weeks indispire topic. This is just my thoughts. This way another top voted topic will not die out.

Woo hoo...looks like I'm rocking IndiSpire....

Once again my topic got voted Cool

Congo's dude, supe
from New Delhi
10 years ago

Isn't there anyone to monitor which post are being submitted on the Indispire. Since the post are available on the home page of Indiblogger many promotional posts are also being submitted. This is the second time I'm trying to bring this into attention. I think Renie (Inditeam) should check this. 

You can check the home page right now.

from New Delhi
10 years ago

The spam posts were removed. Innocent

So far so good. Submitted for all topics till now. I thought of giving this last topic a miss, but then came up with a small take on hate question.
from Bhubaneswar
10 years ago

Delighted that one of my ideas has finally made it for an Indispire Edition! Cool

Challenge is writing about it as I have so many places on my wish-list! Innocent

Bhavana Lalwani
from Jodhpur
10 years ago

congrtss Anita .. Smile

Lot of great ideas on this week's edition of InDiSpire

from New Delhi
10 years ago

Finally my topic got selected for Indispire Laughing Cool Feeling awesome Laughing

Bhavana Lalwani
from Jodhpur
10 years ago

congrtssss Smile

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
10 years ago

I've been seeing a couple of 'active' people getting their topic featured everytime. Let indispire be more participative... let others see their suggested topics too get nominated.

Suggestion: Once YOUR topic gets nominated, you cannot suggest any more topics BUT you get TWO votes instead of one. How does this sound? Fair enough?

Arvind Passey
from Delhi
10 years ago

Corollary to the above suggestion:

Only those who have participated or submitted posts for a running topic are allowed to suggest a new topic.

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Once YOUR topic gets nominated, you cannot suggest any more topics BUT you get TWO votes instead of one. How does this sound? Fair enough?

If a person is not allowed to submit a topic, what is the thing for which he will be getting 2 votes instead of one. Innocent

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
10 years ago

people cannot see who suggested the topic when they are them being 'active' would be coincidental and not under anyone's control

from New Delhi
10 years ago

Only those who have participated or submitted posts for a running topic are allowed to suggest a new topic.

Already suggested in the earlier comments but hardly any takers for that. Undecided

from hyderabad
10 years ago

@ Renie

I think you forgot to add an archive buttonInnocent

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
10 years ago

Ranjith, the person who already has had a nomination for one of his suggested topics can be given two votes for a topic of his choice.

Suggestion 2:

In the present format we can vote for all the topics... however, just as we can suggest only three topics, our voting should also be limited to voting for three. Thus each of us will probably vote sensibly. This means that the person who has already had a nomination will also have 3 chances... but each chance will be equivalent to 2 votes.


from hyderabad
10 years ago


from New Delhi
10 years ago

There isn't any interesting topic coming up Undecided

from hyderabad
10 years ago



from New Delhi
10 years ago

This week there are so many great topics to choose from. Friends, if you entry don't get selected then do post it the next week as well. Innocent

from New Delhi
10 years ago

Yell Yell Yell

What happend?

from hyderabad
10 years ago


from New Delhi
10 years ago

Had no time -> still wrote a post -> Now somebody left me 3x annoyed Yell

Check the home page Sealed

Ha ha. Me too annoyed about that. Yell

from hyderabad
10 years ago

nice Tongue out

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
10 years ago

this was quite a topic...LaughingCoolFoot in mouth

I'm only annoyed at my post being buried in the heap of new posts...not about the content of any of the posts.

Just for the sake of clarification.

from New Delhi
10 years ago

@NSV - Same here Yell 

from hyderabad
10 years ago

NSV Nice thing happened. This is what happens when you irritate me 

I'm very happy for you 

from New Delhi
10 years ago

I think Indispire is helping many bloggers. Finally one of my posts scored a century. Laughing Cool

Desire v/s Destiny
from Gurgaon
10 years ago


from hyderabad
10 years ago


Tongue out

from hyderabad
10 years ago


from Bangalore
10 years ago

ABCr Tongue out

from hyderabad
10 years ago


Anant Aggarwal
from Faridabad
10 years ago
Was going through the post and just stumbled upon this mini thread. Very innovative and informative. Thanks.
from hyderabad
10 years ago

Anant There is a lot of meaning hidden in these smilies. Use your detective brain and find it out. Tongue out

Bhavana Lalwani
Bhavana Lalwani
from Jodhpur
10 years ago

indispire becoming indiboring .. topics r either toooooo hotttttt (sexual orientation/marriage/virginity) or tooooo dull .. ye bhi koi topics hain .. essay competition ho raha hai kya .. jaise school mein hota tha ... 

one and last time I wrote was  "what is in name" .. aft thtUndecided .................................


Bhavana Lalwani
from Jodhpur
10 years ago

I have a suggestion (humble wala ) ... apart from the most voted topic (as the indispire topic of week) the second most voted topic should also be shown on indispire page .. it will provide us a choice .. if someone is not interested in the main topic then there is another one  as well.  


Renie .. plz do give it a thought.  thanxx

Desire v/s Destiny
from Gurgaon
10 years ago

Thats a good choice

Desire v/s Destiny
from Gurgaon
10 years ago

People are voting , its a democracy , just chill

Bhavana Lalwani
from Jodhpur
10 years ago

yeah democracy reflecting in 11 votes, 16 votes etc Undecided  hardly 2-3 percent bloggers r voting Foot in mouth

Desire v/s Destiny
from Gurgaon
10 years ago

I just hope it will improve with time

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