Indirank Status
I joined Indiblooger almost 2 months back. However I am still waiting for my Indirank status. Can anybody help how long it generally takes to get your Indiranks ?
I got 56
Thanks VP
Hip Hip Hurrah... I got my Indirank... Thanks Everybody
congrats GR
Ranjith GR's blog doesnt have a Mozrank
Even if he doesn't have a mozrank, he will get an IndiRank ( but it will be low )
The only reason for getting an IndiRank is feed problem / some problem with the software.
Dear Ranjith,
Thanks for the guidance.. :)
You usually get Indirank in the next update after a month. The reason for you not getting a indirank is that your MOZRank is '0' check this image out
MOZRank is generated automatically once you build backlinks and authority
Dear Vijay. Thanks. Could you please tell me how to create backlinks and authority as you mentioned above?
@ GK Yours is a personal / literary blog, right? I would suggest to you that you just concentrate on writing and ignore the remaining things.
Backlinks etc matter for tech ( and similar blogs ) which get traffic from Google Search.