Does promoting or voting is criteria for winning ?
Everytime I see some blogging contest here on indiblogger there it is written voting does not count but after closing of contest of the blog post ,all the blog post are displayed and voting takes takes place and tab is displayed where top popular post is displayed.
Why is the tab there if voting does not matter?
I have been noticing from past few months ,same people top the list of bloggers as popular post.
Is it about getting comments and votes after close of contest as recipe to be one of the winner?
Does the networking and following others for promoting your blog works?
Looking for some answers!
Reason: mistake
I just randomly checked few contests I have participated in, which have ofcourse announced winners. And I did not see first prize winner appearing in top 10 popular (by votes) entries (except one)...
In any of the contests I checked, I didn't see the most popular entry winning the first prize..infact in some case no prize at all.
The point I am trying to make is networking can win you votes but not necessarily contests...
Also if voting matters to get on to top 10-20 posts then make it public voting instead! Why only take votes only from those who have accounts on indi blogger?
so saket ,you are suggesting that sponsers read only top 10 to 20 entries out of 250 entries...that would be so injustice!
No, I do not think so, as many of the contest winners have have received nil or few Indivotes. But to eliminate the slightest possibility of any human acts, it would be better to do away the voting system for the contest posts till the results are announces. The voting can start after the results. This has been sugegsted by many in another thread ' General discussion about contests'. you will get some insights on judging process if you go through that thread.
Bhavya has rightly told the facts.
However, in my opinion, we can compeletly do away with voting for contest- topics. In some or the otehr way, votes may influence.
eg. Inditeam finds 5 'no so deserving' entries in the winner-list sent by the sponsor. They convince the sponsor to eliminate these. However, they needs to fill up the vacancies suggesting 5 good posts now. What will they do? Read all the 250 entries and find 5 good ones? Nope! Who has the time for this! It easier to sort the entries with top Indivotes and pick-up 5 suitable ones out of top 10 or 20.
I may be wrong. That was just a guess, a wild guess!
The contests are judged purely on the basis of content, relevance and creativity (and any other criteria specified, which varies from contest to contest).
Votes does not count in that matter :)