Contest - Condition Serious Hai!
Why so serious?
The judges....or the "Asta-vasus'' ( the eight elemental Gods) .... Their sense of humour and their seriousness while judging the entries... what can I say !! But I'll never blog again for 5 Star !!! I swear... Thanks a lot Renie for the update...
I guess this was another one of those contests where the right posts got left behind... is it?
I'm just guessing by the tone of the updates here.
Now does the explanation offered make me laugh or cry ....... Who knew that the judges were looking out for typos, grammatical errors,..... in the entries. Finally wondering whether the effort taken and time spent for 5 star was worth it.
Renie thanks a lot for the update.
Thank you, that was a 5 star response indeed, as expected! Thanks Renie for the follow up, we all hope that the spirit of blogging doesn't die with such contests, total turn off!
Is this contest still on?
No. It's closed, almost 6 months ago.
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