Cannot post on IndiVine

Sakshi Nanda
Sakshi Nanda
from New Delhi
11 years ago


Yesterday I added my domain name to my blogger blog. 

Today, I am unable to post posts on IndiVine. The error says 'originating from a different blog'. What do I do?

Please help! 

Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Ascending
Divya Uikey P.
Divya Uikey P.
from Bhopal
11 years ago

Submit your new domain name to Indivine and then start using it. System is very simple, Indivine recognises your old blog name if you will submit new blog permalink it will not accept no matter your old blog has been redirected to new domain.

Well, congrats for getting custom domain name :)


Bushra M
Bushra M
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Congos for the new domain Sakshi Smile Even I want to buy a new domain but I am clueless about the procedureInnocent 

from hyderabad
11 years ago

It is as easy as buying things with the FK vouchers you win in contests Money mouth

Sakshi Nanda
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Ranjith is right, Bushra. Cheap and easy. WIth your rare and lovely name, I am sure you will find one of your choice. Good luck!

Bhavya Kaushik
Bhavya Kaushik
from Jaipur
11 years ago

Congratulations for the new domain :)

I faced the same error when I got a domain name for my blog. I registered the blog again with the domain and deleted the previous one. It sorted out things for me.

Sakshi Nanda
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Oh, but then what became of the IndiRank? Did you have to 'start from scratch'?

Also, don't IB guys just fix it at their end? 

WHat if I exit and they don't take me back? :P

from hyderabad
11 years ago

If you add your new blog and then delete the old one, the new blog will start with an IndiRank N/A and you should wait for the IR update to get a new rank.

If you contact support asking to change the domain name, your IR remains as it is.

What if I exit and they don't take me back?

You will miss all the fun on the forum. Money mouth Infact, if you first delete your blog and then add another one, till the time your blog is approved, you won't be able to post anything on the forum or IndiTalk. So, if you want to follow this procedure, first you should add your new domain and after it is approved, delete the old one.

Sakshi Nanda
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Dude, I just want IB to change my name in their computer. :P I hope they will do it? And before the Delhi meet tonight? :P

I am not risking it. I cannot even spell 'technologie' :P

from hyderabad
11 years ago

I don't think they will change it before today's meet. They might be busy with the arrangements and probably won't attend to the support tickets. Tongue out

As I have said, contact them asking to change the name. They will do it, if not today, at least with 3-4 days. Wink

Sakshi Nanda
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Raised the ticket already. Meet, then weekend = some wait for me. But all's okay, as long as my rank bounces back and I feel worthwhile. :P


from hyderabad
11 years ago


Bhavya Kaushik
from Jaipur
11 years ago

Yeah, you need to start from the scratch in that case :\

When I did that, initially there was no indirank for my blog and I got to wait for a whole month to get a new one.

Bhavya Kaushik
from Jaipur
11 years ago

And your indirank will improve (I guess) with the new domain. It happened with me, so :P

Bhavya Kaushik
from Jaipur
11 years ago

I think you should first add the new domain -> wait for it to get an indirank -> delete the old blog. That would work :)

Sakshi Nanda
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Okay. I guess some disappointment there will be. But this had to be dome at some point of time or the other. Much better if it;s done today. :)


Bhavya Kaushik
from Jaipur
11 years ago

Np! Best wishes Innocent

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Use the previous domain name : 

For example, to submit to IndiVine, submit the URL


Also, contact here asking to change your domain name listed in your IB profile so that you can use your new domain name. 

Sakshi Nanda
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Thank you, Ranjit. When I was posting this here I knew if there is anyone who can really help me it's you. :)

Posted the latest post. No, not saying you go read it. Just saying - mission successful! :D

I have raised a ticket about the domain change. I hope this transition will not affect my IndiRank? Not that it's that great! :P

from hyderabad
11 years ago


Your current IndiRank will get passed to your new domain. So, you need not wait for the IndiRank update. But after the IndiRank update happend, yur IndiRank will decrease because the new domain starts with no alex rank and no mozrank. After few months, it will return to normal. 

Sakshi Nanda
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Is this a new domain really? It is synced with my blogger. Still?

Okay, when you say 'back to normal' you mean after the hard work like in the last one year, or suddenly over night the stats will be set to 'normal'?

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Technically it is a new domain and so you won't be having any alexa rank and moz rank for a few months ( generally 1-2 ) which will affect your IndiRank. 

As your old domain is being redirected to the new one, your Alexa rank will be back to normal within a month without any hard work. MozRank depends mainly on back links. All your previous back links point to which is redirected to your new .com domain. So, a part of the link juice will be transferred and a part of it will be lost. So, this requires some hard work. 

Sakshi Nanda
from New Delhi
11 years ago

I understand, well, almost. :P

Thanks a lot, Ranjith. I guess some changes are expected but not Earth shattering ones. I hope IB changes the domain soon. That's all. The rest is all my sweat and blood! :P

from hyderabad
11 years ago


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