please take a look at my blog
Here's the url for my blog: itinerant
I request you to take a look and offer suggestions.
Many thanks, in advance.
Sir u have a gr8 blog.. but i could not see ur followers and also your blog roll if you read and recommend some other blogs :) Content is something personal to you so no comments there :) :) l loved reading it though.. :) :)
It'd be useful I think if you added the google connect widget to your page. Any readers who wish to follow your blog might find it helpful, and being a self-hosted blog, I think the widget is quite accessible to you too. The links page is also I find well-ordered by category, and rather than just saying "links" maybe a renaming to something like "my favorite spaces" or something of that kind might be good too, coz "links" is generic, and might confuse the reader. No comments regards your content, but I did love the photographs and the detail to them.
Thanks, Vinay. I acted promptly on your suggestion regarding the name for my links page, though I couldn't get really imaginative. Loved your blog, your verse. Happy blogging!
Warm regards,