Self Hosting

Heena Dhedhi
Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Please suggest a good site to go self hosted...

and the dynamics of the same...

Replies 1 to 20 of 21 Ascending
Prasun Bannerjee
Prasun Bannerjee
from Udaipur
11 years ago

You'll need a domain name, and a hosting provider to begin with. My word is to go with the branded, though it is little costly, but trust is retained. I have had many experiences in the past, and after that there are only very few hosting providers I could trust upon. Personally, all my blogs are self hosted (though not regular) from years, so I can be an experienced grandpa at this :D I have been taking my doamins from bigrock and hosting on hostgator. These are simply, THE BEST. but that's my view.


Hosting is of different types, skipping the details, you need a shared web hosting, nothing more will be needed unless you plan to take a big hit of about more than a million views per week. 

Next comes a blogging platform, best would be going for Wordpress. it just does the magic, and is much user friendly. Oh and yes, you need a 301 redirect on your existing blog to ensure the search engines know your blog has permanently moved to a new address, and the older link juice and SEO benefits are duly retained and passed :)


You can find plenty of How to's on the interweb, and can always contact me if you need any discount coupons or further guidance. Cheers!


Heena Dhedhi
Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

R,what does that mean?

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Heena The expiration date for that domain is being shown as 17-jan-2015 Innocent

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

oh R!i check a few hours ago it said 2014! looks renewed for a year now..

my bad...pls suggest what name to go with? 

from hyderabad
11 years ago

I'm not too sure if that name has been renewed. Innocent

Tarun Singh
Tarun Singh
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Wait if you want or choose another domain name.

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

am willing to wait, but what are the chances of getting it?

Tarun Singh
Tarun Singh
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Yeah, .com is better since people are inclined to enter .com while entering a website address.

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

whats the solution Tarun? i want .combut it's not available

from Mumbai
11 years ago
There was a thread on the same topic recently. Please go through it. Here it is
Heena Dhedhi
Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

CK, when will we know for sure? do we have to waitlist? 

.in is also cool... 

should i get the .in from one of the sites? just shop for the name like normal online shopping?

from India
11 years ago

Actually, most domain name purchases come with a 60 day grace period post expiry of a domain name. During this time, the registrar allows the domain name owner to re-register the expired domain, effectively meaning that any new registrations and transfers of the domain isn't allowed, and for this domain, it's currently in the grace period, that's why I said that there is a possiblity that the owner might get it registered again, as it's been registered for 8 years now.

Domain name purchases are just like other online purchases. GoDaddy, BigRock do allow payment via debit cards too, if you'd like to use one. You just need to create an account with the registrar and go shopping. Make sure to pay proper attention to things like domain registration duration, that's normally set to 2 years in case of GoDaddy, and don't go in for any addons, which you won't need. A simple domain name purchase will be more than enough to get you started.

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

once i purchase it...what next? 

from India
11 years ago

Nothing much, you need to put it up in your blogger DB, make some small changes in your Domain Registrar's Nameserver setup for your domain and that'll be it.

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

hope u help me with that.... shall i get mine now?

from India
11 years ago

I will.

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

CK, R...

a blogger friend becomes regional and thus reduces international traffic and soi shouldn't opt for it.

what should i do? can we offer to buy .com? how does that work? 

can we waitlist ourself to get the .com?

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Yes, it does.

Why not go for a different .com domain? Innocent

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

R,but i dont wantto change my blog name.

from India
11 years ago

Seems like I missed on some things while in my absense. I'm quoting one of my earlier comments in this thread to clarify my stand with the .in TLD.

And in case your content is India specific, you can go in with a .in domain name. is available for purchase, so you won't have a problem going through that.

Like, for example, my blog purposefully targets Indian audiences, that's the reason, I bought a .in domain name.

Heena Dhedhi
Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

oh who do i contact for this? Blogger?

from India
11 years ago

You just have to purchase the domain name from one of the registrars like GoDaddy, BigRock and such, and buy a domain name that suits your needs. Once you've bought the domain name, you can let us know to help you out with the further process to redirect your blog to the domain you purchased.

from India
11 years ago

In case you want to buy that domain name only:, the current registration has expired on 2014-01-18, and if the current registrar doesn't renew it, it will again be available for ordering probably after march, this year.

And in case your content is India specific, you can go in with a .in domain name. is available for purchase, so you won't have a problem going through that.

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

CK,would you help me with how to go abt ordering the .com.can wait till march.


from India
11 years ago

Sure, no problem with that. If you have no issues going with .in, you can purchase it right now, otherwise, either choose a new domain name or wait (waiting might not succeed as that domain name was registered in 2006 and it has expired this year, so, there's a strong possibility that the current owner might get it renewed again)

from hyderabad
11 years ago

The expiration date is being shown as 17-jan-2015 Innocent

Heena Dhedhi
Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

VP how do i get that parked space? how much more will it cost?

how do i find out?

from India
11 years ago

But, why do you want a parking space? You need it when you've purchased a domain and not using it. And I believe that most domain registrars provide you with free domain parking (atleast godaddy does that). Domain parking means that when you're not using your domain name to run a website or something, when someone enters and navigates to your domain, that user has to be sent somewhere, and since you're not using that domain name, the domain parking comes into play.

Screenshot of a parked domain on GoDaddy!

For now, what I'm getting an impression is that you meant Hosting Space instead of parking space. In case this was the case is, please let us know. But, if you are hosting your blog on Blogger, you won't need hosting space, unless, you want to modify the features more than what blogger allows you to.

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
11 years ago

HSD think of any other name and let me know

other variants of icynosure are available

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

CK, i want to change my url from  to .com...but that name is taken. whats the solution for that ifi want that name only.

from India
11 years ago

Nothing, you just need to find a new one and allocate that .com domain name from your blogger dashboard. There are millions of people engaged into this, and a number of times, it isn't possible to get a domain name we want, so, the best solution is to think of some other domain name, which is available, rather than going in to buy that already taken domain in auction, or backordering (to get it if the current owner doesn't renew it)

Heena Dhedhi
Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

what is parked?

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Someone had already registered 

You should choose a different name Undecided

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Parked domain is like a parking place you buy but dont park your gaadi Cool so others cant park their gaadi Tongue out

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Others will have to buy that place for more than what it generally costs before parking their gaadi Cool

Vijay Prabhu
Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
11 years ago

For 109 go daddy offer go here You have to first select a nice name for your domain (cant help you there Cry)

For blogger slider follow this tutorial

If you find this difficult, get yourself a FREE template with inbuilt slider 

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

the link is a paid add-on?

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

am thinking of getting..

do u think that works?  

hope i can mention that here

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Heena its already taken Cry or parked

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Heena That slider is free : It takes you here : Laughing

Heena Dhedhi
Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

i also want a blogger slider,pls help where i can get one 

Tarun Singh
Tarun Singh
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Another great tutorial in this regard

What he says :

I have tested this out and it works perfectly, you can move from blogger to WordPress and maintain your post URL or Permalinks (Post Slugs), hence maintaining your Google Search Traffic and Page rank without losing out on any Traffic. It took me less than 15 minutes to go through the whole process. (But It might take you longer if your new to WordPress). Undecided

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

and what abt the followers? if i just get domain name and stick to blogger? 

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Everything will remain as it is HSD you will just have different URL 

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

How do i get the new url? pls suggest VP...\

would it be more sensible to first get a domain name and then later go self hosted?

am tech challenged...

from hyderabad
11 years ago

@ Tarun Singh That is what I too said. First move to custom domain, after 6-12 months, move to wordpress while maintaining permalinks or redirecting them properly Cool

Tarun Singh
Tarun Singh
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Heena if you don't want to do that much stuff like this script,just buy a domain.

But if you are serious towards blogging,buy hosting from Bluehost and they will provide free domain name.You can search Blogger vs Wordpress and see the difference.Wordpress can do wonders. Decision should be yours. Smile

Tarun Singh
Tarun Singh
from New Delhi
11 years ago

301 redirects are not allowed by Blogger.But the script allows that Cool He says :

Open any page on your old Blogger blog and it should redirect you to the corresponding WordPress page. We are using a permanent 301 redirect on the WordPress side and therefore all the Google Juice and PageRank should pass to your new WordPress pages with time. 

from hyderabad
11 years ago

301 redirect can be implemented only on server side not with JavaSCript. Cool

What he says is that will redirect using javascript to which will 301 redirect to I doubt if PR passes this way. Undecided

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Ranjith you are right it doesnt pass Cool

from hyderabad
11 years ago


Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
11 years ago

what is t.  InnocentInnocent

from hyderabad
11 years ago

kuch gadbad ho gaya Tongue out

Edited it to CoolCool

Heena Dhedhi
Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago let me understand. 

if i just get domain name... everything remains the same? 

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Yes! Laughing If you get the domain name, you will continue to use blogger. Just the domain name of your blog changes from to 

If you get traffic from google, it might drop for a few weeks but after that it will return to normal levels.

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
11 years ago

HSD buy a nice domain name for 109 + icann fees from godaddy and stick to blogger Cool

Tarun Singh
Tarun Singh
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Ranjith she can import the blogger posts to wordpress.No need to copy from blogger and paste them on wordpress.The code that Amit from Labnol suggests will pass all PR and backlinks to her new blog.

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Yes you cam import Sealed

The code that Amit from Labnol suggests will pass all PR and backlinks to her new blog.

No, it won't! For PR to be passed, 301 redirects are necessary from to your new .com which blogger DOES NOT allow. So, PR will not pass.

What that script does is simply redirect blogger URL's to Wordpress URL's ( which he himself didn't follow Wink )


from hyderabad
11 years ago

If you move your blog to wordpress, you will lose all your backlinks, page rank etc. Sealed

First you will have to buy hosting and domain ( You can go with a shared host ) and then  copy all your blogger posts and publish them on your wordpress blog and then delete all your blogger posts and put a notice saying blog moved.

Or you can keep the blogger posts as they are and start fresh on your wordpress blog.

I would suggest that you go for a custom domain instead of shifting your blog to wordpress. This way, you won't lose much of your seo. And after about 6-12 months, when Google removes your old urls from its db and uses the new urls,  you can move the blog to wordpress without any loss of pr, etc. Laughing

Tarun Singh
Tarun Singh
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Heena this link will help as he also moved from Blogger to self-hosted Wordpress

from hyderabad
11 years ago

He didn't shift his posts from blogger to wordpress. He started fresh Wink His old blog posts are still on link 

Vijay Prabhu
Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
11 years ago

HSD good siteInnocent you want hosting companies name or domain name for your blogInnocent

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

both... anniversary gift to the blog!

but want to know the dynamics too... how much change and working will go into getting it on its feet too?


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