Avinash Pandit would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://my1stpoems.blogspot.com/ ]

please review my blog.

Avinash Pandit
Avinash Pandit
11 years ago

my blog consists mostly of poems, in either hindi or english. i am new at short stories and my recent post is a short story based on a true event.the accident described is true, one can find its details on wikipaedia. rest of the posts are poems. all have my true feelings. i have wrote them first in my diary. later they became my blog's first posts. please give me a revew about it. about the content, writing skills and grammer mistakes, as i m not that good with this forign language 

Edited 11 years ago
Reason: last one was too long to see
Replies 1 to 1 of 1
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Hi Avinash, have seen your blog. I would suggest to select some ligth theme, that gives artistic flavor, As your blog is more on poems. I found your poems good to read. You can include the social buttons on the side bar. Also categorise your post, Hindi Poems, English Poems, Stories, General thought etc. Also sign-up with feedburner and include email subscription option. I hppe this should be enough to go.