peenuts would like you to review his/her blog.
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Please review my blog and let me know if it meets the theme of the blog

from Delhi
15 years ago
  Insurance is investment..unfortunately many of us are not aware of this. This blog intends to help u understand the essence and importance of getting insured in a very simplistic way. I want a feedback to know whether i am on right track. Also i want to increase popularity of this blog, so wud like some tips for that as well.
Replies 1 to 3 of 3
Vipul Grover
Vipul Grover
from Chandigarh
15 years ago

Well friend can suggest nuthing with regards to contnt as thts not my field.

Bt yeah regarding luks, well u share my template but the way u have tweaked it makes it pretty ugly. Ur title is not coming properly within the given space. Many widgets are also crossing their boundaries. U need to know simple html to resize them or better go for some new template and background tht goes with investment theme.

from Delhi
15 years ago

Saw ur looks quite u know of any editors that can making editing this template easier.

from Delhi
15 years ago

Hi, i modified the blog layout as per feedback, made it less cluttered..plz hav a look again and provide feedback.

Thank u very much

Shilpa Garg
Shilpa Garg
from Jaipur
15 years ago

Cool! Will check it out for some Investment queries!