Best blogging moment, 2013: Share!

from Mumbai
10 years ago

So, what was your best blogging moment of 2013 and why?

It could be anything, like a comment by someone, a heartfelt appreciation, any incident or achievement, etc. Perhaps you had something that left you incredibly happy or may be motivated your blogging in a unique way? As I said, it could be anything even remotely simple, only thing is that it should be related to blogging and should be remarkable to you in some way.

The idea is to share, collect and celebrate the best blogging IndiJoys of 2013 here! So wait no further and share "your best blogging moment of 2013" NOW! We are all waiting to hear from you. Smile

PS: No links please, unless asked. Innocent

Edited 10 years ago
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Replies 1 to 10 of 10 Ascending
The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Shifted to VPS!!! Got Xenforo forum discussion forum!!! I am such a w00t!!!

Sammya Brata
Sammya Brata
from Kolkata
10 years ago

I would say, a relatively new blog with 30k footprints in a span of 5-6 months of active blogging would be a huge take-away from 2013.

from Bangalore
10 years ago

I'm jealous, my relatively old (1 year) blog gets 1 hit a month Wink Shubho noboborsho Laughing

Rajesh K
Rajesh K
from Chennai
10 years ago

I enjoyed a lot writing on various topics (as usual), but 2013 saw a huge drop in traffic inspite of regular posting. I just don't understand the rules of big G and stopped analyzing it! I am now writing more for myself and I think that's the best thing that happened, probably due to the drop in traffic. I have lined up some exciting things for my blog in 2014 and I hope things will be different this year. 

BTW, what's your best moment for 2013, Arti? 

Heena Dhedhi
Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
10 years ago
winning the Tanishq Mia Blogger Contest... not bec of the prize but bec i wrote a heartfelt piecededicated to my mom.
from Bangalore
10 years ago

I remember the contest, belated congo Smile

Shameem Rizwana
Shameem Rizwana
from Chennai
10 years ago

I am in the blogging world on and off for approximately 4 years. Couldn't give up , but din't know how to survive either. But I follow a tonne of blogs and regularly keep reading the posts. It just this year that I took up blogging seriously. And one of my friend told me that I inspire him to write and he started a blog! And he asked me to read through his post before publishing. It might be a meagre thing to most blogging giants here, but to was such a valuable moment :) Felt very very happy Smile

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
10 years ago

Shameem, it surely is a great moment because it simply signifies how much of your opinion as a writer matter to that person. Smile Congrats for that Smile

My best blogging moment this year has been the number of posts I was able to publish. I never posted more than 10 in a year, but in 2013 I managed to post more than 20, thanks in large part to IndiBlogger for the audience it has provided for my blog and also for the contests which helped me increase my post count.


from Mumbai
10 years ago

Please pardon my ignorance, but what do you blog about and since how long have you been blogging, Narsimha? I am so glad you could speed up your posting frequency in 2013. :) I wish you greater acceleration for the year, 2014. Keep at it, I am sure you can do it!

I do not have a niche in blogging. I write about books, Cricket, fiction and some personal posts. Though I have been blogging since 2006, I deleted most of them and my latest blog was from 2012 May.

from Bangalore
10 years ago

I still like your tablet post the most Smile


Bushra M
Bushra M
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Every moment in 2013 has been special for me... The most remarkable things include my first blogoversary, so many friendly bloggers who have become my besties now and so many contest winsTongue out \Yay/ 

BTW - Lovely thread Arti Smile

from Mumbai
10 years ago

Absolutely adore your sketches and creativity, dear :) Your liveliness is striking and your creativity sooooo inspiring. One bundle of talent you are, here's to many more wins and much more fun in 2014. Yay!! Smile

from Bangalore
10 years ago

And thanks for your review Bush, that was an Indijoy too Kiss

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Another highlight as I was reflecting over who were my best friends at different points in life - This year's best friends are all from blog-o-sphere. Blog-o-sphere now seems to mean more to me than office and home neighbourhood.

Fairy Princess
Fairy Princess
from Delhi
10 years ago

Well, I am still not a year old in the blogging world and every moment has been special to me. However, the most special moment was the one when one person messaged me specially to tell me how much she loves the way I write and how much she looks forward to reading my pieces. I hope I don't disappoint her. Ever. Smile

from Mumbai
10 years ago

Wow! That is something truly special. I can imagine that feeling... we bloggers thrive so much on inspiration and that moment must have been such a great motivatioval booster for you. Congrats, Pankti, I hope you get many more messages like these in 2014 and wish you the best for your blogging journey ahead. Smile

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
10 years ago

Thanks Arti and same to you Smile

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
10 years ago

This year's blogging highlight for me was launch of my new blog in my own domain this September dedicated completely to science fiction, fantasy and history fiction - Have posted without a break for 18 successive Tuesdays.

Highlights of my old blog - survival - With my exit from contests, stopped getting random topics to write on. With more of my interest shifting towards serious fiction writing, the blog looked like dying away. But kept chugging along thanks to some book reviews, blog reviews and blog organization post. From October mid, the regular blog is also alive and kicking again - with 9 contest posts as well within the last 2 months of the year.

from Mumbai
10 years ago

Kudos to your dedication, TF. To post high quality fiction back to back for 18 successive weeks is a lot of hard work. And hard work always pays. I will add something more: From writing blogs to writing books, you are now making giant leaps with your talent, isn't it? Hearty congrats on your new publication, TF and here's to many more such books and recognitions in 2014! Your talent is incedibly awesome, keep at it. Smile

from Bangalore
10 years ago

Not to mention your highly popular review offer which I wanted to request for but ran right away seeing the long queue Tongue out

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Thanks, Arti. You are always good at saying the nicest things and motivating people. 

Thanks Nebula. Reviews are a tough job. This year I hope to clear off the queue and take one at a time.

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