Blog on Communication Skills

from Bhopal
10 years ago

Yesterday noticed a lot of conversation around communication skills on Indi Talk.

Would a blog on Communication skills be a goood idea. What would it mean in terms of topics?

I teach communication skills so the blog would help establish professional credentials but how can a blog teach communication skills.

Give me all your creative ideas. Will try them out for the new year

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Ascending
from Bhopal
10 years ago

Hey everybody is appologising to DS but nobody giving me ideas for the blog.

If you have seen any language teaching blogs that work well? Or have any ideas at all?

from Bhopal
10 years ago

Ok. I thought Cyber Kid objection was related to me! It preyed on my mind the whole afternoon

as I went about my work because my blog does not exist yet!(the one on CS)

I come back and I find he was referring to the reply. 

The communication skills is still a thought at this point.

Incidentally Indi is quick, prompt and polite in pointing out no promotions. Can say that from experience

from Mumbai
10 years ago

I had once written a blog post on Communication Skills or CS once for an Indi-Contest.

It is a real story of how we (myself and 3 of my friends) went about studying for the subject during our engineering days.

You can read my post here -

If you write any post similar to the experience like the one I have shared do tag me, I will read it.

from India
10 years ago

DS, we thought that giving links to our blogs/posts isn't allowed. And you stood there to check that. There are questions about your reply, including the link to your post. Can you please clarify the intention behind your reply. And in case I'm wrong somewhere in understanding the rules, please ignore my ignorance.

from India
10 years ago

Seems like we have been pointing out people for SSP, without completely understanding the rules.Embarassed I'd like to apologize for my ignorance. These lines from the IB's set of rules makes it pretty clear:

Can I promote my blog?Sure, you can promote your blog - but ensure that your promotion is relevant. Posting a topic about your blog or your latest blog post (no matter how brilliant it is) is frowned upon by the community. However, if you have blogged about something relevant that can add value to an existing topic, then by all means - post a link to your blog post! You may only post a fresh topic about your blog in the "Review my Blog" category.

from Mumbai
10 years ago

Read the 2nd point from the FAQ page -

I will quote it here for easy reference -

Can I promote my blog?Sure, you can promote your blog - but ensure that your promotion is relevant. Posting a topic about your blog or your latest blog post (no matter how brilliant it is) is frowned upon by the community. However, if you have blogged about something relevant that can add value to an existing topic, then by all means - post a link to your blog post! You may only post a fresh topic about your blog in the "Review my Blog" category.
Bushra M
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Sorry for the false pin-pointing DS Embarassed These rules are real confusingInnocentCry I am really sorry for creating a hoola-boola out of a small thing!:|

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