Looking for a few more blogging ideas

from Bhopal
10 years ago

I have a small experiment going on in blogging. Just a pilot survey of how blogging works and what topics are the most interesting and the most viewed. The experiment ends on December 31st so I have about fourteen more blogs to do. What can I blog on? My modus ope***** is to choose a theme and then view other blogs related to that and provide a link. This allows me to get an introductory glimpse into the world of blogging.

Do share your experiences and strategies and future plans for your blog

Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Ascending
from Bhopal
10 years ago

Thanks all of you.

have blogged on martial arts today.

Find the personal voice a little scary.

Was wondering 1. How many bloggers on Indiblog now

2. what is average age group

3. Profession


from hyderabad
10 years ago

1. There are 35028 blogs on IB. Some people have multiple blogs. So, the number of bloggers will be somewhat less than 35028. Cool

2. Only IB admins have DOB info. So, only they will be able to answer this question. But, I think they won't make such details public. Money mouth

3. IB does not collect details about profession during registration.

If you are interested in stats, take a look at the following posts ( They are just 5 years old Tongue out ) : 1 2  3 


Heena Dhedhi
Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Beauty and Fashion...



Bhavya Kaushik
Bhavya Kaushik
from Jaipur
10 years ago

A blog should depict your voice, your opinion on a particular notion. It could be anything, from a fashion to a technology blog; from travel to a food blog; from a regional to a personal blog :)

Fairy Princess
Fairy Princess
from Delhi
10 years ago

Popular categories of blogging includes technology, food, tourism and poems...which topic you want to blog on will entirely depend on your interests. Cool

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