So What is a blog?
So I am a confused sole or is it Soul? Do you also feel the definition of Blog has changed?
I find a lot of websites, news aggregators and also copy paste from other sources kind of places, calling them selves blog.
Am I wrong, has the world moved ahead and I am still in blogging jurassic park or what ?... Let us discuss...and help me catch up... thanks
Sometimes I feel plagiarism is overrated. If people copy my words and my words live after I am gone, I continue to live whoever the words are attributed to. What meaning does a name have ages after you are gone?
If we are not creating those kind of words, then the words anyway have no value, so people are free to take them as people are free to steal from the dustbin kept outside my home.
A lot of people add legal notices on their blogs: " Don't copy... this is copywrited etc., copy cats will be fed to crocodiles ( or sued whichever is cheaper!)".... those who are happy to be copied in search of eternity should they add something like this"
" Oh by the way please do copy, I want to live another day" just kidding....
For me, my blog is an online space to share my writings, my photos, my opinion. You know, like a space which belongs to me. MINE. Something which I have initiated and brought up, like a child - giving it proper upbringing and protecting it from bad content and plagarism. It is my virtual space, in which I can write about anything - and absolutely everything which I like. My blog is my reflection, my skin. It is a part of who I'm :)
I fully agree with you, Bhavya. It's a freedom to write your dreams and imagination. Even copy and paste you like
Ah! I never believe in copy and pasting the things I like :|
One should never encourage plagiarism :)
You are again in violation of the vijay ToS by naming kichadi Kindly cease and desist from using kichadi as it is copyrighted
literary blogs which contain only poems and short stories are not bogs
eh? after calling them literary blogs, you saying they are not blogs? eh?? kuch bhi
u mean to say niche blogs arent blogs?? dont recipe blog have dated content?
i dont agree
I too won't agree because I want to add all my websites to IB, even though they are not really blogs
i think tutorials are also blogs if consistently written by one individual
I like the idea of dated content, but that makes most things blog. I agree on the company blogs they are purely for SEO purpose.
What about sites that just copy paste news and add a line or two of their own and pass as blogs? My understanding of blog is more of a personal expereince not copied from the net. E.g I go to London I write about it what all I did. Some body else just goes to 10 sites copies content, and then write: Top Ten things to do in London, the pics are from Google, the content is from a 10 sites and the writer has never even been to the British Counsulate, leave aside London .... so is that a blog?
@ Prasad I too have the same opinion : blog = personal experiences / opinions. And going by that definition, I don't have any blogs
if the top 10 thing are from their own experience its blog else copy pasted stuff are plagiarism
1. A blog should have dated content or should feature personal opinions. 2. Considering the above definition, literary blogs which contain only poems and short stories are not bogs
That is a news paper
A majority of the content in the newspaper should be news and not editorial content. For a blog, it should be the reverse.
@fairyprincess and @avadhoot almost all companies have a blog now, and lot of big blogs are owned by companies as they sell marketing services, social media likes etc.
@nandini Old is still gold... :)
Prasad, as far as I know, those blogs are used as an informal way of marketing their products.
Well, I am quite new to Blog-o-sphere (8 months old, to be precise). But from what I have seen, I conclude that if you aren't a company, you are a blog. Or so it seems to me
PS: I like "blogging jurassic park" place
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