How many Bloggers from Kerala here..?

from Malappuram
10 years ago

I wanted a indibogger meet in Kerala.. 

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Hi Razi, Better go with cities than a state Smile

from hyderabad
10 years ago

A sponsored meet is difficult because none of the members of IndiTeam know Malayalam Tongue out

168 in Kerala according to this page There will be many more. Search for different city names and add the numbers you get.

You can plan a meet yourself with self funding similar to the Coiambatore, Goa, Bhopal meets . Laughing

from Malappuram
10 years ago

sponsered meet means..? I will teach you some malayalam if you need Cool

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Sponsored meet means that some sponsor like AmbiPur, Tata Safari etc will give IB money for conducting the meet which will be used for booking the hotel, food, prizes etc. 

Teach Malayalam to Renie. Let's see how many years he will take to learn it. Tongue out

from Malappuram
10 years ago

AS A CHENNAIKKARAN..Renie will easily learn malayalam.. ;)

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