An inspirational story for young entrepreneurs

Anand ravichandran
Anand ravichandran
from Chennai
15 years ago

If thinking out of box is the need of the hour then this story would be the perfect recipie.Try this out.This is delicious.

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Ascending
Amit Desai
Amit Desai
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Nice story. Always good to see success of a fellow Indian enttreprenur.  One suggestion though proof read your post couple of times for spelling and gramatical erros.


Amit Desai


Hitched Hiker
Hitched Hiker
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Maybe if you gave stories from other places instead of your own blog, since your blog posts already appear in your profile, it would be better.

Just a thought.

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