Please review my blog and let me know the areas of improvement
Hi All, I own a blog . Requesting to please review it and let me know the areas of improvement and honest feedback / opinions on the blog.
Warm Regards, Sangeetha Menon
Reason: more info added
Hi Sangeeta
Wonderful blog, you're already doing a good job with it. I was trying to look how old the blog is, and that gave me some suggestions for you:
-Add the archive option, to navigate to older posts, that does help.
-Also add the list of top posts below your pic on the right.
-It's great that you have visaibility everywhere, FB page, tiwtter handle, etc., much professional you are. :D Just a suggestion, you can consider placing the links to all of those sites on the right panel below your pic because putting them all the way up next to the blog title doesn't appeal much, your personal choice ofcourse in the end.
Again, you're already a pro blogger as it appears from th content and variety of categories you cover.
Good luck.
Thanks a ton for your honest opinion.
I have added the archievs in the footer and also the top posts in all the pages except home page as I didnt want it to take too much of loading time.
Appreciate your reply Jatin. Will do the ones you suggested too.
Thanks Husnain. Appreciate any areas of improvement for my blog from you ..
I don't think that you need to add any thing more on your Blog. The design is pretty good and the content is promising. But still I believe that you need to make a facebook fanpage and then add a widget some where in your Blog's sidebar :D.