What to do when clients do not pay for the writing services!

Mamta Sharma
Mamta Sharma
from Ahmedabad
11 years ago

Hi All,

I have been in the writing industry for more than 6 years now! I have often faced the problem of getting paid by the companies. Even companies enjoying great market rapport, are not ready to pay the due! Although the write up is up online written by me but I am unpaid even after 2 months.

Just needed advice and help from you guys if something can be done in this regard. Although I have stopped relying on new clients but this payment is blocked now!

Please support and suggest any solution!

I do not knwo if this is the right forum to raise this issue! Please pardon me if this is not the platform to discuss this!

I have joined this site a month back only so ...



Mamta Sharma

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Ascending
Mamta Sharma
Mamta Sharma
from Ahmedabad
7 years ago

Hi Prasoon,This topic is closed now!Thanks for your concern!



Mamta Sharma  

Prasoon jain
Prasoon jain
from New delhi
7 years ago

Do you have written communication of your contract?


The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
11 years ago

post over here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/57994002531/ Which client, what did you do, how much was the amount you've settled for, whom you spoke- the details.

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