[Error] Problem with indivine (C++ in title changes to C automatically!)

Himanshu Negi
Himanshu Negi
from Delhi
11 years ago

Hello Indibloggers, Hope you'll are fine! I am having issue with titles of blog post that I submit to indivine.My title "C++ programming" automatically get changed to "C programming" everytime I publish "C++" in title it becomes "C".

I know indivine is removing ++ sign from titlle but it's important for me and for that blogpost. C and C++ are different things (actually different programming languages).

So, Is there anyway that I don't lose those ++ sign from titles? or whom should I contact?

Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Ascending
Himanshu Negi
Himanshu Negi
from Delhi
11 years ago

Hello Everyone,

Ok I got some temporary solution for this. So what I have to do is after submiting my post to indivine I have to locate it (using "my post" in indivine category) then I can edit the title to change C into C++ back again and then I can update the title with C++ :)

from hyderabad
11 years ago

You can't edit your IndiVine submissions. Innocent

from Mumbai
11 years ago

@Himanshu: Congrats, that's quite an innovative workaround.

@Ranjith: For once, you've gotten it *wrong*! Tongue out


Yes, you can edit IndiVine Submissions. Cool IndiVine > My Posts > 'Little pen and paper' drawing besides the title.

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Arti Surprised

Was this feature there on IB from the beginning? How did I miss it? Surprised

Himanshu Negi
from Delhi
11 years ago

hehe... thanks to me, credit goes to Renie :)

Himanshu Negi
from Delhi
11 years ago

and thanks Arti for supporting me :P

I found your articles quiet popular on indivine, you are great!

from Mumbai
11 years ago

@Ranjith: No. This feature was added in later after many bloggers continuously requested for it. You missed it perhaps because you never felt the need for it. Innocent

@Himanshu: Thanks and so is everyone else - All IndiBloggers are great, this platform is awesome. Smile

from hyderabad
11 years ago

@Arti I think I was in an exile at that time. Innocent

All these days, I thought that the tick mark was a bullet symbol. Foot in mouth

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
11 years ago

Hey Himanshu, I can't fix this right now, but I've changed the titles for three of your posts!

Himanshu Negi
from Delhi
11 years ago

Thank you Renie, but I'm planning to write a few more dozens of C++ programs and I don't think you can fix everything manually :D

I am glad that you noticed this issue/thread. I understand, it's not easy to fix everything in just few minutes or hours (may be weeks) but I Hope you'll work on it :)

Thank you!

from hyderabad
11 years ago

I think IndiBlogger consider ++ to be a part of regular expression or something similar. Search for c++ on IB and you will get an error saying

Got error 'repetition-operator operand invalid' from regexp

Similar things happen for certain characters on IndiTalk  and some words on forum if included in a link.

As DS said use plus plus, or use cpp.

But I strongly feel that these things should be corrected by Renie. Undecided

Himanshu Negi
from Delhi
11 years ago

Hello Ranjith,

I am glad that you know the importance these ++ sign and yes let me try to contact Renie! and yes, currently I'm using CPP but it should be C++

I will talk to Renie...

Himanshu Negi
from Delhi
11 years ago

BTW how or where can I contact Renie?

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Here http://www.indiblogger.in/contact/ 

from Mumbai
11 years ago
Use Plus Plus
Himanshu Negi
from Delhi
11 years ago

hmmm... Plus Plus doesn't mean ++ in programming :(

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