What Was/is the most difficult part of your blogging experience?

from Bhubaneswar
15 years ago

Please share the most difficult thing that you had to  face as a blogger .And if possible please do mention how you own the battle.This may help and inspire new bloggers.Smile

Replies 1 to 14 of 14 Ascending
from Bangalore
15 years ago

I started blogging ona whim. I knew zilch about it when I began; I learnt every step off the way.

Currently, the only difficult thing about blogging is making the time to blog. Frown

I had fun making the template of my blog. Trying to get advertising to work drove me up the wall, even though my blog enjoys good traffic. I gave up on it completely. I found little unobtrusive paid links in the sidebar a better option to advertising.

from Bhubaneswar
15 years ago

Your blog is really good :) You shouldn't give up

from Bhubaneswar
15 years ago

hey hemal thats the sprit:) but again revenue from ads is directly related to traffic so here again traffic is the trouble maker.

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Blogging is pretty easy and i havent come across a thing which is difficult, except for the revenues that comes from ads.

from Bhubaneswar
15 years ago

Thanks khusi and zeon for joining inSmile hey mjSmile with full respect to your opinion I just want to say blogging for me is fun and I'll stop doing it if  I'll stop enjoying it.Smile


Karthik DR
Karthik DR
from New Delhi
15 years ago

Like most of you guys, 1st difficulty is choosing ta template. But once I did that, a bigger difficulty arose. Creating an image that I wanted on the home page and a different one when you just opened a post. I had to design my own images. That was the difficult part. Had to do a lot of cropping, choping, cutting, pasting, typing etc.

But trust me it was all fun.

15 years ago
To blog itself :)
from Bhubaneswar
15 years ago

Hey amitabhSmile I think traffic should not control the emotion otherwise it will be bit diffucult for a blogger.Traffic is definitely an important aspect of blogging because at the end of day we are writing  to make our voice heard if nobody will read what we write then there is no point in doing so much of hardwork.But traffic should not be so much in our mind that it starts controlling us.As said in bhagavad gita do your duty and left the rest of things to themselves.thats what I think.I may be wrong as I'm just in the beginning of things.keep blogging :)

Amitabh Mukherjee
Amitabh Mukherjee
from Bangalore
15 years ago

The most difficult part of blogging is the constantly fluctuating emotions. When I get good traffic, my hopes are all up, my mood is fantastic. And then some days are miserable: less traffic.

This is an ongoing battle and is likely to last for ever. Perhaps I will get used to it.



from Bhubaneswar
15 years ago

@ shankar.hey shankar I think you should read this post.I read it few days ago and liked it verymuch.It is about everything that you have mentioned in your reply to this post.I'm posting the link below and i'm sure you will like it too and will get answers to few of your questions.


Reading most of the reply I can say template is the most time taking and confusing factor in blogging.But yes spending time on the content is also important.Keep blogging everybody.


from Chennai
15 years ago

k..kunu..i will take a look at it.. http://ballat.blogspot.com

from Mumbai
15 years ago

The most difficult thing is to get my butt off the sofa and start typing out a post for the blog. But once I do start it's smooth sailing from there on.

Everybody who commented before me is going on about how it is tough to choose/accomodate widgets and templates why doesn't any one tell us about the difficulties they have while actually creating a post?!?!


from Bhubaneswar
15 years ago

Hey shankar very true  gathering traffic for blog is also one hell of a issue.As far as I am concerned I still have not told any of my friend about my venture into blogging as I know when they will visit my blog few of them will praise me like I'm the best blogger in this world and few of them will criticize it like ram gopal varma ki aag so I'll never know where I stand as a blogger therefore I have decided to continue on my own.Lets see how much traffic I can get on my own.And I think that is the real fun of blogging.I wish you luck for your blogging ahead.

from Chennai
15 years ago

Hey kunu..even i didnt say about my blog to my friends for the same reason.  But many bloggers have huge networks, writing for more than one blogs..getting lots of comments,appreciation and criticism.I thought i am the only person struggling to form a network. http://ballat.blogspot.com

from Chennai
15 years ago

First thing is choosing the right template.then accomadating the widgets in right space. As i am new to blogging and i dont have any of my close friends who are interested in blogging.so forming a network has really been a difficult thing for me.My blog is now almost a month old and i have a small network with 9 followers. I hope soon my network will improve. http://ballat.blogspot.com

from Bhubaneswar
15 years ago

very true :) selection of template and widgets are two huge and important tasks .

from india
15 years ago

choosing a template

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