Hey Technology Bloggers, Let's Collaborate!!
You might have seen YouTubers on Youtube doing collabarations to increase their viewerships & their audience.
I have some cool ideas for a collabaration which might help all the participating bloggers increase their audience.
The more number of participants = the better!
If you are interested to give your blog a boost, comment below and then we can discuss the idea.
You are funny! lol :p
There is no contract or anything (:P) - just a fun but big collaboration I am trying to do. This collaboration will be based on Content Creation rather than comments.
Bloggers who try to do so don't go too far, they won't last long.
If you want a basic idea of what kind of collaboration I am trying to achieve, try searching for the following titled video on YouTube:
"10 Unanswered Science Questions - Explained by the greatest minds on YouTube"Are you willing to participate Aditya? & can you please ellaborate the part "I can't say about the execution".
If you have some friends in the tech niche, tell them about this. Let's make it big.