Razi would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://kolavara.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 25

I am keenly looking for some feedback for my sketching blog

from Malappuram
11 years ago

I am keenly looking for some feedback for my sketching blog

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Hey Razi!

Just finished review for your other blog.. 

I found some of the images and content repeated on both of your blogs.. you may want to restrain from doing so - this will loose the value of targetting differnent art fans. Or better still, have one place to host your work - this could give better results.. 

from Malappuram
11 years ago

Thanks Hermal, Actually I am blogging in  both my Local language (Malayalam) and English. So I just put them in both of them.. :)




Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
11 years ago

You may actually have a problem.. similar content on two blogs could lead to penalty from google search results.. 

from Malappuram
11 years ago

Oh..! But I am own both right..?

Vinayak SP
Vinayak SP
from Pune
11 years ago

Nice Blog, I enjoyed reading it. You used some widgets available to give more addons to your blog... The only suggesting I have is 'Keep blogging' :)

Regards ProblogBooster.com


from Malappuram
11 years ago

Thanks Vinayak :)