Hollywood Dud Movies
Hollywood Dud movies.
Here I would like to express my opinion. In U.S and Europe producers insist on screenplay. I was told most of the production houses make couple of movies simultaneously. They receive hundreds of screen play. They do not have time to read fiction/novels. Fine. That means producers are making flop movies out of screenplay! I would say it was producer’s failure to identify ‘movie material’ from hundreds of screenplay!! They had only looked for professionally written screenplay with industrial standard but not the story concept or movie material.
Not every story writer can write screenplay. To convert fiction/ novel into screenplay cost 5000 to 6000 USD! Which not every story writer can afford to pay.
Here is my suggestion. Producer /production house can ask for submission of story/novel (published or with copyright registered) synopsis or summery of story/novel from authors. Summary of fiction/novel will not be more than one or two A-4 pages long. If they find the story worth making movie they can ask for full manuscript from the author. There are professional screenplay writers who can do ‘justice’ to the original manuscript. When adopting novel to the screenplay there will be lots of chopping that means missing out on subplots……
When you submit script/story for submission you dread tick/signing ‘their’ agreement which says…..
‘We reserve the right to make movie with ‘similar’ story concept without giving you credit or money!”
How convenient it is for them to make movie ‘with similar’ story concept without paying money or credit after they read our full manuscript with copyright registration / published? I say….’SUCKERS IN THE NAME OF CREATIVITY’. Not every producer make movie the way story was written some of them use only story concept and rewrite and make movie. My question is when a producer likes story or story concept and decided to make movie, what is the problem for paying the author?
Find time to read the LINK below before making any comments
Indian Express.20-07-13.
Big budget duds dry up Hollywood’s summer revenue.
N.B: having wrote nine fictions I would say movie should run on the strength of story/concept and presentation by competent director and high end graphics if necessary .