Vinod Mehra would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 42

Look anfeel of the Blog



Please advise on the following two points 

1. look and fel of the Blog

2. Quality of Post content

I will reciprocate with your request fo review in next 24 hours



Thank you

Edited 11 years ago
Reason: Sale
Replies 1 to 2 of 2
  • Nice website, cool domain name too
  • Theme is good, you have used a lot of color in text while writing, feels little old school mind you, like those news letters used to come, back in old days Tongue out
  • Post image needs margin else (at least with my firefox) text is getter overlapped !!!
  • Navigation is a nightmare in your blog, there is no menu system I can find to read more apart from the few post visible in main page. Create menu with proper navigation to allow visitor to read from that setup..
  • Front page slide show takes ages to load, do something about the speed optimization !!!
  • Some how the blog feels old, its not that shiny or user friendly when comes to compare with present web 2.0 experience !!! Look around, what others are using as their looks and user interface !!!

Thanks Innocent


thank you a ton for your feedback, much appreciated

Hunky @
from Kolkata
11 years ago

My pleasure !! Innocent

Seems you are quite a Bike enthusiast.  Smile

Hunky @
from Kolkata
11 years ago

Sealed yess Tongue out