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Looking For Senior Bloggers To Review My Tech Blog !

Sameer Siddiqui
Sameer Siddiqui
from Pilani
11 years ago

Hey Guys !I'm Sam, An High School School Student and a new Blogger.I'm looking for some peoples who can tell me how to improve my blog.Any kind of feedback is welcomed !

Replies 1 to 2 of 2

Excuse me, did you say tech blog ??

Sorry to tell you but people with huge budget and might be the half of the blogging world is your competition.. There with tech blog niche, there are huge requirements to fulfill to success..

  • Dump Blogger.. You need customized WordPress for mighty look, feel and web 2.0 interface to attract and impress visitor over other established bloggers of same niche..
  • A very catchy and relevant domain name. Possibly a premium one.. $$$$
  • Either huge money to buy stuff for hands on or really good writing style with loads of SEO to beat them all without spending $$$$
  • SEO / SEO and SEO, yes after you write some quality stuff.. $$$$
  • You need to be very active, for all niche, one post a day is the ultimate target (without compromising on quality). but for your niche, a post an hour might not be enough to compete with those tens of thousands of other blogger, active in your same niche..

I have all negative.. Sorry but the harsh truth for tech bloggers Cry

Himanshu Negi
from Delhi
11 years ago

You are right but nothing is impossible! Great things are made by single/low budget Guys only! Competition is really high that's truth!

Sameer Siddiqui
Sameer Siddiqui
from Pilani
11 years ago

Thanks Man ! Will Definetly Consider These Tips !