Aditya Bhargav would like you to review his/her blog.
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The bonfire is ready. Care to participate with a feedback? :P

Aditya Bhargav
Aditya Bhargav
from Jamshedpur
11 years ago

A not-so-ordinary blog of an ordinary guy aspiring to make it big in this really big, beautiful world. "The Bonfire of my thoughts" is my small little blog(read kid) whom i am nurturing with my continous efforts and hard work. I write and swear by my poetic instincts and search for the small little things in everyday life which make life perfect and awesome. Do participate in my bonfire and let me know the review.

Edited 11 years ago
Reason: wants to attract attention
Replies 1 to 2 of 2
prachie gohil
prachie gohil
from mumbai
11 years ago

Hey Mr. Writer,

I haven't read everything but i liked whatever i read. The format and look of the blog is neat, intuitive and simple. That's really good because it draws attention to what you write. Your introduction to the blog was very personal and it got me involved. It made me get acquainted with you and so when i read the rest of the stuff i felt really proud. Because hey.. guess what! you can write and you write pretty damn well.

I don't know if you'll publish a Lord of the Rings or not. what i do know is you keep getting better and better with every article that you write. i felt the same hesitation and i'm still plagued with the same doubts. i'm glad you didn't sit for the interviews and pursued your interests further. You remind me a little of me. 

You are a good story teller. Keep writing!

Aditya Bhargav
from Jamshedpur
11 years ago

Hey Prachie,

Nice hearing from you. You gave the blogger in me his ultimate gift of appreciation. Coming from you it surely means a lot. I am so very grateful that i managed to engage you with my writings. Thanks a million for liking the blog and its format/design.

I will continue writing and blogging. I went through your google+ profile and found that you work for Ogilvy and Mather. Coincidently i went to ogilvy's website a week ago after i saw some very creative ads made by the company somewhere on the interwebs. I scanned its location in India and few other information available there. I really like the company (and surely that thing kindled in me a hope to work there :P ) May i know what process did you have to undergo to be in that company? Whats the job environment/prospects? I know thats too much to ask from a reviewer who took the pains to go through my website ( but still :) )

And regarding the Lord of the Rings. Well lets just say as of now its a part of my grand "Plan" :D

And do keep visiting my website. Your review reminds me of my sister who also says that with every word i write i make her even more proud( and i am not exaggerating )

Thanks and warm regards

Adi :) 

  • Nice deisgn.. Like it..
  • Dont like the domain name, could have been something more attractivce !!!
Aditya Bhargav
from Jamshedpur
11 years ago

cant help it... will buy another domain name in a few years. Till then i am sorry i guess ppl will have to stick to my name.and thanks for liking the design :)