Rupali Garg would like you to review his/her blog.
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Please review my tech blog

Rupali Garg
Rupali Garg
from Kaithal, Haryana
11 years ago

The purspose of starting wholaunchwhat is to keep ourself and our audience updated about day-to-day new launches all at one place. Because it will save your time because you will not have to check different websites or news sites for latest launches and make it convenient for you  to find regular updates.

Its main focus will be on auto section like cars and bikes, gadgets like tablets, android, smartphones and consumer electronics like led lcd tv, camera;s, computers, laptops, printers, refrigerators, washing machines and all things related to electronics

Replies 1 to 5 of 5
Brajadulal Patnaik
Brajadulal Patnaik
from Hyderabad
11 years ago

Very neat and jazzy blog.. You follow most of the best practices in blog layout and design. I have one suggestion, but I will mail it to you.  Please review my blog as well.



Mayur Godhani
Mayur Godhani
from India
11 years ago

It's Awesome blog i've ever found rupali. I love your Automobiles category, especially in bikes and cars. I love it. Keep it going on.

I already have some design changes in my mind for your WhoLaunchWhat blog. I will let you know by Chat.



Ashok Goyal
Ashok Goyal
11 years ago

Good Updates.  Join to share your blog posts.

Neeraj Rawat
Neeraj Rawat
from Delhi
10 years ago

Nice theme(one of the best from Theme Junkie) and nice blog, already doing everything good though adding more details would be helpful in long run.

Sujoy Dhar
Sujoy Dhar
from Kolkata
10 years ago

In homepage title did you noticed a " - " i.e

Who Launch What in Indian Consumer Market - 

So remove that - moreover do not use more than one plugin for seo title and description adder as I am seeing your website is mentioning more than one title in homepage.

If is not a registered company then remove the page and move the content to About Us that would look like more cool and professional else you are differentiating the blog and you but you love your blog na ?