Review of my new blog
Hey all!
i want to get some reveiew of my blog. Is it working good or I need some thing to apppy on this? Review my blog about the content(Most important for me).
Great content. I liked the utilitarian nature of your blog. Just one suggestion. You may want to review/edit the spelling and the language. Please review my blog and give your suggestions. Thanks. Brajadulal
Not bad Vishal, good info. May want to re-look at the alignment, space usage a bit more? Keep going.
@brajadulal Thanks For review. I am learnigng English more and more as I was not studied in English Medium. I am trryig to increase my vocabulary and writing skill s every day.
About your blog, I like the way you present your things. Your writing skills and vocabulary is awesome. Great work and keep Posting new articles.
@santhos Thanks for review. I am trying to make some great design but as I am new to all this things, It will take some time to make it good.
Well thanks to both of you for spend a time to review my blog.