Contest: The Perfect Road Trip!
Describe your idea of the perfect road trip. You can choose your car, your companions, the route and the destination. The most memorable road trips win Samsung Galaxy S4s!
Finally, some movement on the Ambi Pur front... we have a tentative ETA, the results should come to the IB team by the end of the week, which means we should be able to announce the winners by Monday / Tuesday!
Renie sir, this msg was meant for 'smelly to smiley' or 'Perfect road trip'? Or are we getting all the results on the same time?!
All results at the same time!
I thought all results are already announced Rushed to see the results But it is still to be announced Wait for another week
week will fly in a few days
waiting waiting....
its good we learn so much patience by waiting indefinitely........... :D
Congratulations for winning Samsung S4
Bushra congrats for winnning the grand prize. I am late in viewing the late in congratulating you
Today or tomorrow I guess!!! Ah well...loads of hope out here! :)
@DS- Sir, Wednesday's here...please issue further instructions so that we could follow 'em
Plagiarism check is going on as we speak - will post an update as soon as I hear from the team, which should be in a couple of hours!
Great! :D This holds for the Smelly to smiley one as well?
Hoping to hit bull's eye this time!
Mini vent clip results announced - road trip results coming up!
Thanks Bushra! Heartiest Congrats to you!
Thanks Aditya and a special thanks to Ambipur, Renie and the entire Inditeam
Thanks Aditya!
Agree with Vijay! All thanks to Team IB & Ambi Pur!
Thank you @Bushra and @Aditya... thanks to Ambipur and Indiblogger too.
This is the first time I see my pic at the top... and, therefore, I am smiling even though I am sleepy. :)
Congrats to Vijay and Anita.
Loved you entry sir There's so much I have to learn from you...
Thanks Arvind
Thanks a lot! Congrats to you too!
Just now saw this message and hence the late response!
By the way everyone, I interviewed the Gen Sec of NCP (Sharad pawar's party) today... will share that interesting discussion on my blog once it is published in the paper.
Congratulations for winning Samsung GalaxyS4
Road trip winners announced!
Great contest! Great Winners! Congrats to all the winners. Happy to win the movie tickets :)
Congrats Bushra
Congratulations to all the winners. I have to be happy with movie ticket.
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