How to convert an image to 300 dpi?

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Hi friends,

I have to submit a few hi-resolution photographs "minimum 300 dpi" to a magazine for for an article of mine. I have found out that my images are 96 * 96 dpi (Dimensions: 2048 * 1536). I know little about dpi's and googling isn't helping much either as it is giving some options in photoshop, a software which I dont have installed.

What should I do to convert the pictures such that they are according to the required specifications? Any help regarding this (preferably with paint or picasa) will be highly appreciated.

Thank you.

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Ascending
from Mumbai
11 years ago
Thanks so much, Avadhoot and Sanket for your valuable inputs. They are very helpful to me. I am thinking of going with the online link since I am dealing with images. One quick question though, since they have said it to keep things at 'minimum' 300 dpi... Given the resolution of my images, what dpi would you reckon I should set my images to, for best quality?
Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
11 years ago

I will recommend keeping it at 300 dpi as i also use that resolution for all my images on my website it gives the best look.

Youre most Welcome you can ask for help in future and you should check out my website :- 

from Mumbai
11 years ago
Please refrain from giving your links on the forum. You have already given it once in this thread and giving it for the second was uncalled for. Its against the forum rules.
from New Delhi
11 years ago

For websites/blogs, the required dpi is only 72. Anything over that is a waste of space and loading time.300 dpi is ideal for taking prints. 

from Mumbai
11 years ago

@Sanket Thanks for all your help :) You have a very informational website, I checked it out from your profile. Smile

@DS Good work!

@Shashank Thanks for the info. One question: I resize my pictures when posting on the blog (to 800 *600). Does that have any effect on the dpi?

Sanket Rathod
Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Ya but it was not for videos it was for images what she asked if you want to convert and download any youtube video to mp3 then you should check this :-

Sanket Rathod
Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Arti you can convert as well as change the dpi of the image online from this site :-

And you can also check my website :- for other tips on other topics

from Jabalpur
11 years ago

Thanks,seems good but they don't convert youtube videos.Innocent  

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