Aishhwariya Subramanian would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Looking for feedback



This is just a personal blog about my own tranining for marathons. I just wanted to know how I can make it better so others too can benefit from my training as well as my recovery from knee injury. Thanks!



Replies 1 to 4 of 4
Ritu KT
Ritu KT
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Hi Aishhwariya, I went to your blog. I had some time to go through a couple of your posts so I have a few things to point out -

1. On first glance, I found it difficult to decide what to click on and read. I personally think this template will work better with photo-centric blogs. You are sharing words so I think anything that displays your writing would do you more justice.

I tried playing with the template options of having your posts layout differently. Is it possible that people land on Classic view first?

2. The header and the rest of the page are in the same color family - good but not in shades different enough to highlight and differentiate the header - not so good. If you want to stay in the gray colour family, you can play with different shades of grey.

3. I like the concept of hidden information but it might not be the best place to keep your 'About me' Page.

Regarding publicizing, you just got started (11 posts this year) so it will come eventually. You can start reaching to other bloggers and also use social media

I hope you found these points helpful. Happy blogging. Have a great day!

Sagar Phalke
Sagar Phalke
from Pune
11 years ago

Hi completely agree wit Ritu,I also started plaing with your links.

Need improvement in design espesialy navigation...




Perfect. Thanks so much!

Brajadulal Patnaik
Brajadulal Patnaik
from Hyderabad
11 years ago

Nice focussed blog on marathon training.