Life of Short films...

Sandeep Thakre
Sandeep Thakre
from Nagpur
11 years ago

Since the advent of digital cinema, one of the very hot sibling of movie making that is born is "Short film making". Hundreds of thousands of short films are made every day but very few of them end up at festvals while others get lost on youtube.. I want to invite the aspiring filmakers around the world to share your work here so that we can see more interesting and creative stuff.. (Hope admin allows it Tongue out )

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Sandeep Thakre
Sandeep Thakre
from Nagpur
11 years ago

But They can share their own work, no? It is not promotion just sharing and a discussion about the creative explorations of film making..

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Your intention is good. But if people exploit it, then we can not allow. I think it is fine to share really original short films as you call it.

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

If people post random youtube videos or their blog links in the name of short films, this thread will be locked.

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