Nishant Gandhi would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 36

Looking for constructive feedback / critique on my blog

Nishant Gandhi
Nishant Gandhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

My blog is a take on life and world through my eyes, with an adequate dose of humor (usually subtle and dark) and philosophy (usually my own) thrown in for the effect.

Replies 1 to 4 of 4
  • Poor chice of URL for the blog.. Too big to write and hard to remember..
  • Title and URL doesnt match..
  • Nice theme, plain and simple..
  • Try to post frequenctly, at-least one article a month as otherwise readers will forget about you Tongue out

Sorry could not evaluate the content, I am not the best person to comment on that Foot in mouth


Nishant Gandhi
Nishant Gandhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Thanks for the short time you took to visit my blog. I was actually looking at critique on the content, not on the cosmetic factors. Theme etc is a very fluid issue and I have gone through 3 different ones before selecting this.

As regards the mis-match between Title and URL, it is a deliberate measure to emphasis b*****ng and create distinction. looked longer, tonge/eye twister and more difficult to remember than!

Umm on the frequency, I'm not sure whether you scanned through the Archive list on the right side column. I usually post 4-5 articles a month. I know that's not much but then again that's what my schedule permits. Will try to improve this to 2x at least.

Brajadulal Patnaik
Brajadulal Patnaik
from Hyderabad
11 years ago

Hi Nishant

What a blog! Cool I ended up reading all the articles that you have posted. You really have a knack to bring out the funnier side of everyday life. Your similies and comparisions are awesome. I could not resist laughing all the while and wifey was all the way thinking I have caught some laughing-flu disease! Laughing The final twists at the tail of your stories caught me by surprise. I would definitely keep visiting your blog. Thoroughly enjoyable!

Nishant Gandhi
Nishant Gandhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Thanks Brajadulal Patnaik for your comments and appreciation. I'm grateful for the time you took to visit and read the articles at leisure. Be sure to subscribe and then you can regularly blame me whenever Bhabhi-ji asks what's wrong with you! Sealed