Suryakant sao would like you to review his/her blog.
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Hey Friends I want to know about my faults and flaws in designing this blog

Suryakant sao
Suryakant sao
from Rajanandgaon
11 years ago

I am a self learned web designer, i want to learn about all my flaws and faults that i have made while designing this blog. Any positve or negative review are welcomed.

Thanks pals..:-)

Replies 1 to 6 of 6
Vijay Prabhu
Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Surya really a good site, congrats.  Only add your logo or image in the background on the top.  It will make the blog snazzier 


Suryakant sao
from Rajanandgaon
11 years ago

Thanks brother, actyually I have tried to add a logo but, due to some bug and errors i have to remove it and have to use simple font customized by using google fonts :/ But very soon i will keep your words. :-)


I checked your Blog too. Your Blog is too well and eye catchy, at first look i thought you are blogging on wordpress platform but to my astonishment it was Blogger. I appreciate the responsive design of your Blog and also your work :-)

happy Blogging


Ritu KT
Ritu KT
from New Delhi
11 years ago

I really like the crisp feel of your blog. I would have liked a little decorative header but I read your comment above, it's ok not have it.

My fedback:

1. I am not sure if you are using the Digg Digg widget but if you are please bring it a little up, it looks a little down on left hand side.2. Have 'About Me' page so fellow bloggers can get acquainted with you Smile3. Reduce the size of the header since your logo is simple. There's is a lot of empty space. It might be a wastage of some premium real estate on your blog.

I hope you find this helpful. I was really impressed by the content of your blog. Have a nice day!

Suryakant sao
Suryakant sao
from Rajanandgaon
11 years ago

Thanks Ritu for your aluable suggestions, i will definitely fix them keeping your words.

Actually I am not using Digg Digg widget but i will check it once what actually u saw like digg digg :-D, and i have done one big mistake that is, i placed about and contact page at the bottom of my blog... :-D. Therefore it,s tough to figure out


Thanks again for your valuable suggstions. Happy Blogging :-)

Vijay Prabhu
Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
11 years ago
Thanks Surya for the compliments. There is a thread here in indi about logos check it out
Suryakant sao
from Rajanandgaon
11 years ago

yeah brother i wil check it sure...:-)

Ritu KT
Ritu KT
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Suryakant, it's good to see you taking my feedback in your stride.

I thought you were using the Digg Digg plugin, anyway I should point out that I was talking about the floating bar which contains Social media buttons. It is located between your main content bar and sidebar.

Happy blogging :)

Suryakant sao
Suryakant sao
from Rajanandgaon
11 years ago

Thanks Ritu for explaining the prob, but i have checked many times but i see it's floating just in the left of of my post page as i've adjusted it.

May be the problem you figured out would be beacuse of web browser, and I am using Google Chrome latest version and that float share widet is working well.

Any how I will check out where's the prob actually and will resolev it soon... thanks for your kind support in the form of criticise :-)

happy Blogging