Samantak Bhadra would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Do give my website a glance :)

Samantak Bhadra
Samantak Bhadra
from Bangalore
11 years ago

The blog/website is a repository of my thoughts, ideas and myriad shades of reality and imagination. Prose, poetry, book reviews and opinionated essays are what my website contains. Please do give it a glance and let me know your thoughts about it! Laughing

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Samantak Bhadra
Samantak Bhadra
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Hi Sfurti! Thanks for checking out my webspace. I have paid money for only the domain name. Therefore, I can choose a theme (among the ones available) but I cannot customize it much. :( That is the biggest problem. Even I want to add a little bit more aesthetic quotient to the whole website but, sadly enough, I'll have to pay up a lot more in order to do so.