Hello freinds review my blog. My blog is on Tech news, fathers day wallpapers,Ca
Leadtoworld.com is a webinformative portal gives the best of reviews,specs of gadgets,tech news,auto news and wallpapers.
Hi Harroop! Your blog is very professional in presentation as well as content.
In first impression, this looked like a tech blog. But found later that there were other categories in your blog as well. I could not get the relationship between a tech blog and fathers day and US Independence day categories. Had this been a personal blog, I would not have raised this question. But this being a professional blog mandates this question to be answered.
Hello friend, Nice question..
When I started my blog it was all about technology stuff but later my international visitors send me an e-mail in which they said that "you are awesome at writing technology blog and you must try of other fields" ...
My friend that is the reason I have other categories also and its awesome ....
Harroop good blog with nice url, nice ranking with alexa. Keep up the good work.
dont worry about cats, as long as you provide good content cat is meaningless
On second thoughts, I agree with you Harroop and Vijay. Category is immaterial; You have to provide the content that most of the readers want to read.
Guy's, My Priority while writing an article or post is that article should be well written, useful and understandable to all people. that is why I don't think about catgories too much....
My two new websities are:
1. Youthtechblog.com (based on fully technology)
2. Classmatecareer.com (based on fully education,exams etc.)
These websities are under developed due to time shotrage... I will hope Guy's uyou will also love these sites as Leadtoworld.com