Blog Approval system is not good


I tried to use your report button but that always generates its own error report.. So had to create this new thread.. Delete this post of mine after its purpose is served..

I wonder how can this be allowed ?? Its nothing but pure "gay" porn..

Your application process says you manually read blogs, can you tell me who among you read this blog before allowing to be in indiblogger and thus being posted for review ??

Review what ?? How good this "gay" writes gay porn ??

Replies 1 to 7 of 7 Ascending
Madhu Bhardwaj
Madhu Bhardwaj
from NOIDA
11 years ago

@Nandini, Agree completely. 


Hunky @
from Kolkata
11 years ago

If it would not have came to light, it would not have been deleted also Tongue out. I wonder how many thins type of blog still remains in the IB network Innocent

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Things get done faster when threads are created or when the matter is posted on facebook or twitter. I once opened a support ticket to inform about an invalid blog that was added to the directory. If I remember well, it took time for them to take action.

Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Hey All .. Thanks for catching this one! Sometimes even the best of our moderators has butter fingers :-) 

We have rejected that one now and if any of you were mentally scarred by this little incident, Renie Ravin will give you a head massage.

And pls do let us know if theres anything as crazy out there!



from Mumbai
11 years ago

Anoop, thanks for that :)

I think there should also be a disclaimer or addition to policies here which clearly says what kind of blogs are welcome or rather not welcome here.

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Here is the page which specifies what type of blogs are allowed in a somewhat funny tone : 

# 6 applies to this discussion

Blog submissions containing pornographic, adult or obscene material may be added to the personal bookmarks of our moderators, but cannot be allowed on the IndiBlogger network.


Ankita Singhal
from Mumbai
11 years ago

@Ranjith I was just reading it and thought "Again a witty IB remark" ... Shouldn't there be a thread where all such Witty IB efforts are compiled so that others can read it.. Not miss it and have a laugh. Couple of days Ago I had a problem with the submission of a post and there it was written "Curse the IB team"-- Now tell me how witty is that!! Don't everyone deserves to know that!! I , for one, would love to. :)

PS-- I don't have a heart to read Erotica but Now I am hellova curious about this alleged blog!! M late *Dang it* :P

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

@Ankita, it was not was outright can find it online anytime, anywhere. And it was so tasteless, you didn't miss anything Frown

from hyderabad
11 years ago

@ Ankita It is more fun to come across such witty pages accidentally now and then and get amused instead of getting to know all of them by reading a single [huge] article. :)

Ask you self one thing,

  • Will this blog be allowed to read loud in a busy road intersection ??
  • Will this blog be played on national television ??
  • Or may be in a bookfare, which happens to be the best place for freedom of speech ??

No, since all these places are for general public and where you cant keep children out of reach for this materiel.. But then again adult subject books are sold in bookfare, which censors who accesses that materiel, adult places are there in society, which once again censors who accesses them..

So either of that has to be in place I thought..

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

To answer Hunky's question, we have members in age group 10-12 as well here. Whether that means we should have censorship or not is a call the administrators need to take. Also what level of censorship? Any adult content not allowed or certain types of content and what may be those content etc. 

Let me tag Renie. But as of now rules fully allow any kind of blog as long as it is a blog and not a commercial website.  You people can continue to give your views so that he can gauge public opinion and take a decision.

Hunky @
from Kolkata
11 years ago


I didn't put up this thing to draw line between porn and erotic materiel or such.. My point was, as far as I know, its immoral and illegal also to mix up adult content and under age people..

Since it gives access to direct adult content and allows networking also..


I dont think this platform has any age restriction ?? Does it ?? As far as I remeber, any 12/13 year old can register here with her or his blog ?? Now that under age person will straight away have access to so called "dont ask me" type adult content..

This platform also allows networking, hence that 12/13 year old can now network with that person who is writting adult content..

Question to be asked, how can 12/13 yead old and adult content can share same platform ??

Either you put up a notice about your policy and warn potential registrtaion and do not register unless you are adult, and take measure to prevent under age audiance to access those stuff or you dont allow adult content.

Not a very tough question is it ??

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

@ Hunky, I second your opinion. IB can either disallow under age bloggers or they can have another section wherein age verification is required. That section can have debatable topics.

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Or they can absolutely bar any type of adult content, including erotica or any other sexually explicit material.

Fairy Princess
Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Guys...there IS a difference between erotica and porn. What this guy has written is 100% porn. Erotica novel has a story build-up. It has situations, characters, a plot. The only difference between a normal novel and erotica is that that in the later, love life of the central characters is described in the detail. (BTW, I want to read Fifty Shades of Grey but I don't have guts Cry I think my mom will faint if she see such a book in the hands of her single, unmarried daughter....sheesh...)

@TF, I think you should BLOCK this thread because this guy is NOT writing erotica. He needs to learn the difference between erotica and porn.

Hunky @
from Kolkata
11 years ago

I dont have argue about what category it falls in, but IndiBlogger allows kids to even register and now they can access list of adult content and can even network with that person... How cool is that ??

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

@Hunky, yeah you are right...i didn't think we have bloggers below the age of 18 Frown If so, he should be barred immediately...

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

actually we do have bloggers of around 13 as well...saw one attend the indimeet, got a prize too with tara sharma if i'm not wrong

Hunky @
from Kolkata
11 years ago

Infact I too remember underage people present there in many meets..

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Nandini, you were there in the meet?

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

This is tricky territory, dude. There is no rule as such in Indi against adult content - straight or gay. Also it is possible there are people who write adult content amidst other stuff. What do you detect them? Won't it be unfair to allow 50% adult content but ban 100% adult content? These people at Indi can't be reading every post of every person. So it is not feasible to implement any rule against adult content even if there were such rules.  

By the way, guess 'adult conentent' is more political correct term as this forum has some people who claim they write erotica and not porn and take offence to the use of the word 'porn'. Don't ask me what is the difference. 

Hunky @
from Kolkata
11 years ago

Review the blog Tongue out, I am sure once you review it, you may have a different idea, so I urge you for a extensive blog review there Innocent

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