WeChat with Anyone, Anywhere!
Who's in the mood to get creative? We've got a new contest up, with some drool-worthy prizes. Let us know if you have any questions!
I'm betting Ranjith has already created a thread on this contest by now.
It is definitely difficult for Rennie and team to work on getting the deserving bloggers to get the prizes.
Today, there are couple of other contest results are also awaited. Good luck all of you. May the best win
waiting for results.....
how much time it takes to declare results?
Is there any update on when the results will be up on the site?
Since the results are not up as yet, guess we hve to wait until tomorrow or may be Monday!
Any Updates Renie ?
who is the plagiarist? :D
and whom did hwe copy? sometimes same idea can creep in two different minds staying miles apart, so if the idea is same then its ok but if the post content is same alot, then its a matter of serious thinking.
how can you say the palagrist is He?
I get reminded of this plagiarist!
I don't think they would consider it "plagiarism" unless a huge part of the content matches. And by "huge" I mean at least a few paragraphs, if not the whole post!
No person (even a plagiarist) is as dumb to copy paragraphs word to word. Detecting Plagiarism is indeed a tough job. If i were to plagiarize somebody, i wouldn't copy his/her stuff word to word, his ideas+his content in my own words is what i would actually produce! So do you think this is not plagiarism anymore?!!!
The link that I just gave, where IB exposed that guy, he was that dumb- copy pasting the whole content. Even now, if you go to his blog, you would find copied content!
That being said, it's a very fine line too! Let's say for this contest, someone sees your post, and decides to include one or two guys from there. That way, if no sentences/phrases are being copied, there would always be a sense of deniability!
Ofcourse the characters can be similar. Several people in this contest have used the same characters. What infuriated me was the copying of the dialogues(Creative n infamous ones)and the concept and idea of the post.......and thank you for that link, as i am new to Indie, i wasn't aware of it. Seriously, the biggest plagiarsit i have come accross! He didn't even mind manipulating the content....people!
Copying dialogues unless they are known quotes by the character would be truly unethical.
Speaking of that, if you suspect anyone copied your content, search here (www.plagspotter.com) with your blog post- it should give you a fairly detailed post.
O sorry Madhur, it can be both ways, he or she. My mistake :)
I wonder what is stopping the Results...today???
I don't have an eta as yet. There's a possibility of another delay until tomorrow. We're working on it though, and I'll post an update in a few hours once we're done!
@DS - I'm already sleeping If you wake me up when the results will be out, I will be really thankful 2U
Thanks a lot Renie. aiting for results eagerly though, but still you are giving updates at your end :) keep up the good work :)
@ Akash Do you want someone to disturb your sleep just to know the results!
@Ranjith- Maybe Saturday's a holiday for Akash
@SD @Ranjith - Ya, Saturday and Sunday's holiday for me. Don't you guys work 5 days a week?
@KB - I am still in college and it's 5 days for me too. But it's the summer vacation for me right now and everyday is like a weekend ;)
Please dont make us wait till monday Inditeam :( Knowing that the result is ready the wait becomes boring:(
@Ganga - Waiting is really the best part... feelings like expectations + fear + thrill really enjoyable
After the results, eventhough you're a winner, everythings vanish. The same routine days........... I don't mind waiting till next Friday
Dealyed results are an interesting part of IndiBlogger and I like them a lot.
Giving them benefit of doubt because there are couple contests going on, assuming they have their hands full with announcing results?
I don't know how the IB team works, but announce the results of one contest at least!
During my Engg days , I used to wait for the results like anything and now its the same feeling :P
Sighhhhh... when results shall be out?
Have refreshed the result page a 100 times now! It sure feels silly!
Although its relieving to see sooo many in the same position ;)
When'll we get the results???? It's getting late!!!! :D ;)
I am getting tired of posting that WHEN WILL WE GET THE RESULTS...???
After dealing with all the plagiarists, those who made major changes to their posts after submission, and one post which was removed at the last minute, I think we're finally done! Results should be out in an hour!
Yippie..Eagerly waiting!
@DS- For plagiarism, try plagspotter.com.
Many people edited their posts after submission, and Inditeam actually detected that? WOW!
@DS - yep there was more than 1. Their posts should go offline in a day or two. To detect major changes, we used a screenshot service on all the posts - the same service we're using for the IBAwards!
@Renie- Which service do you use for the screenshots? I am just curious because I never got a good enough API for it. For manual screenshots, I use this -> http://ctrlq.org/screenshots/
@R- that works, but is not free
I think I need on work on one myself.
OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Congratulations Girl!!
Thank you guys :) This sudden adrenaline rush is just making me go crazy!
Congratzzzzzzzzzzzz Guys!!!
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