WeChat with Anyone, Anywhere!
Who's in the mood to get creative? We've got a new contest up, with some drool-worthy prizes. Let us know if you have any questions!
I'm betting Ranjith has already created a thread on this contest by now.
every thread warms up before results and several times after the due date is passed
... and for some contests, after results, the threads get heated too much.
How many of you'll are using WeChat since the start of this contest ?
..... and how many of you'll will stop using it if you don't win a prize?
I haven't even installed it.
I hope to see similar answers for IdeaCaravan contest when I ask : 'How many of you'll have seen the videos before participating?'
I am using it it is good.. I am not gonna stop using it. It is in some ways better to WhatsApp.
i chatted only in the two entries i did for the contest....oops i hope i dont get disqualified now
Don't worry Nandini. They'll give you an S4 with WeChat already installed so that they can add one more member to their user base.
ah but i want the mac pro i dont mind s4 for my 2nd entry too
@Ranjith, Since the contest - I've installed WeChat -- UnInstalled -- Installed again -- Finally lost my phone...
Now I really need an S4
In that case, even I am ready to install, uninstall, install and lose.
I was using it before the contest started but it started slowing down my phone. Had to get rid of it. But then my phone is the ancient blackberry ... might give it a shot once I make the switch to android.
I was using it sparingly before the start of the contest... and I'm still using it wihtout any increase in intensity. The one that I use more frequently is 'whatsapp'.
I'm using WeChat. It's way better than Whatsapp, IMHO.
It looks like I'm one of those rare people who don't use any chat software. *
* other than IndiTalk
i dont use too....long back i used yahoo but its been years since i last opened it...i'm very unsocial these days
I too remember chatting on Yahoo but after few days I've changed my status to invisible so that others don't send a hi message whenever they see me in their online list and after few more days, completely signed out of chat.
when some people send me chat messages on facebook and i block them up, esp old school mates ...
@Ranjith @Nandini, People who are socially unsocial in online social media, are unsocially social in real life socials...
I use both WeChat and Whatsapp... though I use the latter to keep connected with my son who is in London. WeChat is relatively new for me but I do have a few people there who keep sending some message or the other.
When is the result out anyway??
Finally, Result Day
Yayaya!!! :) :D
People seem so excited! Are the results out?
Not yet. It should be out tonight, hopefully
I like two additions here...
1. The 'last' button... it was always painful to reach the end of a discussion.
2. The 'edit' button... so many messages that zoomed into existence were full of errors. This can be corrected now.
Thank you, indi team. :)
Sirji !!!!!! When will the RESULTS be declared???????
We got the results folks, and we're verifying them now. Will keep you updated on the progress!
@renie- thanks for the update.. :) @ all- check ur blog stats and if u find a hit on the specific wechat post now u might be in the winners list :P ;)
Can we help in the verification to speed up the process?
@Shaumik- lol good one.
Progress? I have refreshed the page a hundred times in the hour.
Sorry everyone... Results will not be out tonight. We found a few discrepancies which needs to be sorted out first. We've also found one plagiarist (so far).
We're hoping we can announce tomorrow evening (Thursday). I'll post another update sometime around noon!
Another excruciating day!
My old blog, which I thought was shut-down, is up again. And now, I have 2 exactly same blogs with exactly the same entry on for the WeChat competition.
I hope I'm not branded a plagiarist because of some confusion. :D
Totally agree with DS. I am ready to wait, if that ensures the rightful people get the awards.
Plagiarist? That's sad. It is a pesonal blogginga nd when one can't blog using one' own personal thought and idea construct, what's the point in blogging per se. Besids, how do people find time to read another posts and copy and have guts to submit as well. Sad that we work on an idea, slog and build a post and some one improvises that further and take the creative accolade away.
Renie pl confirm.
plagiarist? woooohhh...good that you caught him/her
Not last moment.. Was always in the system, but now is rooted out :D
I guess for Renie and gang catching a plagiarist at the last moment is akin to a software tester catching a bug in the system just before it goes live
Checking for plagiarism in around 70 winning entries is easier than checking 400 entries.
Ranjith makes sense. It is not efficient to check all the entries for plagiarism- the IB team has better work to do!
@ Prassana Rao - But once the bug goes into production there wont be much effect here but in real time Softwares , its going to cause operational and functional issues ;) :D
@Stephen- if the plagiarist is caught by Indibloggers after the results are announnced then there will be protests and outcry
Any updates indiblogger team?
IS the result coming out today????
Waiting for a revert from the wechat team - not sure if it will come in today or tomorrow, will update as soon as we know!
I agree with Rakhee. Keeping the posts private till the time the contest is closed, will definitely reduce Plagiarism.
Not today folks - that's for sure. We're almost done though, so should be able to announce it tomorrow!
Another excruciating day?
Renie, since there are so many entries in the contests. It may be a good idea to have a volunteer team of bloggers reading the entries and doing basic things like checking for plagiarism. Of course, they will not participate in that particular contest.
To ensure fairness in marking, the same blog post could be marked by three or more bloggers and the average taken to be the score.
This would help to ensure results are declared on time.
In fact, we could have something like Coursera's peer grading.
Your assignment marks is deducted by 20% if you don't complete the peer assessments.
:( I was expecting to see the results today :( :( This was the first Indiblogger contest I ever participated in!
me too waiting irresistably for the result...