Problems with Indimail

Fairy Princess
Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago


It has happened to me couple of times that whenever I receive email from another Indi Blogger in Indimail, I am not able to open it, i.e., the subject line is unclickable. Also, the trailer of the email messes up with another email below it. I have to check my gmail to see the mail, which is quite tedious. I hope I am making sense. BTW, is this happening to anybody else? Or am I the special one?

Edited 11 years ago
Reason: Not appearing on the forum
Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Ascending
Fairy Princess
Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Yo....issue resolved for my home PC Smile

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
11 years ago

This is what we have so far - looks like gravatars are blocked by Panki's IT department at office. The longer alt tags (created by names longer than Aditya Dey Smile) are stretching the image placeholder and messing up the layout.

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

SurprisedWhat about at home? The same thing is appearing at my laptop too. And that doesn't have any blocks Smile

Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
11 years ago

Ha ha ha...."What's there in a name"-- Shakespeare Tongue out

Fairy Princess
Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

I still have this problem....opened a ticket yesterday, still no resolution. How much time generally does it take to resolve such issues?

from Mumbai
11 years ago

I have tagged the IndiAdmin team. 

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Thx. Animesh. This issue is really getting irritating. Every time I want to read an Indimail, I have to open my gmail to see the content. And then if I want to respond, I again go back to Indimail to compose new mail instead of replying the previous one. Also, one hilarious thing. It's not happening to emails from Aditya Dey. Rest all emails are not visible, even yours. Absolutely weird.

Must be trouble from browser on your computer. It works fine here from mobile too.

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

No, the same problem appears on the my work PC as well as on my home it doesn't seem to be the problem.

I just rechecked from mobile.  It is working fine. Clear browsing cache and see

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Done...still same issue

Then try frm another browser and see

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Then i would need to hijack my co-worker's PC to check..and i don't think he will appreciate it :(

Report browser indimail issue at

I don't have laptop,  or I would have checked

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Ok. Thx.

I who can view indimail get a mail  rarely , 

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago


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